The SFWA Bulletin Index, 1965-2018
Stories, Listed by Author
Previous Author Index Table-of-Contents
ELLISON, HARLAN (Jay) (1934-2018); (about) (chron.)
- * About Goodbye to All That, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #161 2004
- * About Mefisto in Onyx, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #126 1995
- * The Bulletin Showcase: Special F&SF Anniversary Tribute: Dostoevsky Never Wrote for Tony, Either, So Get on with Your Life, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #144 1999
- * Defeating the Green Slime! (Honest to God, a) Modest Proposal, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #56 1976
- * Grandmaster Robert Silverberg: A Revised, Updated, Expanded Appreciation, with Some of the Schmaltz Stains Still on It, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #161 2004
- * Harlan Ellison, (bg) SFWA Bulletin #194 2011
- * Hollywood Notes, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #4, #9 1966
- * The Issue of Membership Cards, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #25 1969
- * On Paladin of the Lost Hour, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #91 1986
- * Philip José Farmer: Portrait of the Artist as the Great Wall of China, (bg) SFWA Bulletin #150 2001
- * A Statement of Ethical Position, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #65 1978
- * [letter], (lt) SFWA Bulletin #3 1965, #10 1967, #26 1969, #53B 1974
_____, [ref.]
FAWCETT, BILL; [i.e., William Brian Fawcett] (1947- ); (about) (chron.)
- * Book Signings (with Jody Lynn Nye), (ar) SFWA Bulletin #201 2013
- * Conventional Reflections (with Jody Lynn Nye), (ar) SFWA Bulletin #199 2012
- * Conventional Wisdom: Small Conventions (with Jody Lynn Nye), (cl) SFWA Bulletin #195 2011
- * Conventional Wisdom:
* ___ Book Signings (with Jody Lynn Nye), (cl) SFWA Bulletin #201 2013
* ___ Conventional Reflections (with Jody Lynn Nye), (cl) SFWA Bulletin #199 2012
* ___ Doing Business at a Con (with Jody Lynn Nye), (cl) SFWA Bulletin #200 2013
* ___ 50 Years of Conventions: An Interview with Gene Wolfe (with Jody Lynn Nye), (cl) SFWA Bulletin #196 2012
* ___ What When Where: DragonCon (with Jody Lynn Nye), (cl) SFWA Bulletin #193 2011
* ___ Why Gen Con? (with Jody Lynn Nye), (cl) SFWA Bulletin #194 2011
* ___ Writers Workshops (with Jody Lynn Nye), (cl) SFWA Bulletin #197 2012
- * Conventional Wissdom:
* ___ 1,000 Cons (with Jody Lynn Nye), (cl) SFWA Bulletin #198 2012
- * Doing Business at a Con (with Jody Lynn Nye), (ar) SFWA Bulletin #200 2013
- * 50 Years of Conventions: An Interview with Gene Wolfe (with Jody Lynn Nye), (ar) SFWA Bulletin #196 2012
- * 1,000 Cons (with Jody Lynn Nye), (ar) SFWA Bulletin #198 2012
- * What When Where: DragonCon (with Jody Lynn Nye), (ar) SFWA Bulletin #193 2011
- * Why Gen Con? (with Jody Lynn Nye), (ar) SFWA Bulletin #194 2011
- * Writers Workshops (with Jody Lynn Nye), (ar) SFWA Bulletin #197 2012
FEELEY, GREGORY (Patrick) (1955- ); (about) (chron.)
- * About The Crab Lice, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #138 1998
- * About The Truest Chill, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #142 1999
- * The Country of the Masks, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #155 2002
- * GEnie Contract Talk: A Roundtable Discussion, (sy) SFWA Bulletin #113 1991
- * Genie Roundtable: On Agents, (sy) SFWA Bulletin #119 1993
- * The Hole in a Hole: A Theory of Science Fiction and Fantasy, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #157 2003
- * In Memoriam: Russell Griffin, 1943-1986, (ob) SFWA Bulletin #93 1986
- * The Last Page of Thomas M. Disch, (ob) SFWA Bulletin #181 2009
- * The Lexical History of the Future, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #112 1991
- * Market Report, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #89 1985, #98 1987
- * Market Reports, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #88, #90 1985, #92 1986
- * Our Futures Are Not Postmodern, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #154 2002
- * Raters of the Graustalk: Science Fiction Criticism and Its Critics, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #126 1995
- * Spell It Slant: Harry Potter and the Postmodern Condition, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #159 2003
- * U.S. Market Report, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #91, #93, #94 1986, #95, #96, #97 1987, #99, #100 1988
FEIST, RAYMOND E(lias) (1945- ) (chron.)
- * Contract Article III: Delivery, Revision, and Publication, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #113 1991
- * Contract Article IV: Advances, Payment, & Royalties, and a Few Other Tricks, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #114 1992
- * Contract Article IX: Editorial Courtesy, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #119 1993
- * Contract Article V: A Little More Money, Sub-Rights, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #115 1992
- * Contract Article VI: Options and Miscellany, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #116 1992
- * Contract Article VII: Agency Clause, Agents, and Other Writers, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #117 1992
- * Contract Article VIII: Negotiations, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #118 1993
- * Contract Article X: Packagers, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #120 1993
- * Contract Article XI: The Law Is an Ass, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #121 1993
- * Contract Article XIII, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #125 1994
- * Contract Article XIV: Model Contracts, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #126 1995
- * Contract Article: XII, Changes: Part I, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #124 1994
- * Contracts, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #111 1991
- * Contracts II: Grants, Warranties, and Indemnities, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #112 1991
- * Contracts: A Glossary, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #112 1991
- * Everything I Know Is Wrong, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #127 1995
- * Everything I Know Is Wrong: Speak English, Please!, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #128 1995
- * Everything I Know Is Wrong: Whats Wrong with This Picture?, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #130 1996
- * GEnie Contract Talk: A Roundtable Discussion, (sy) SFWA Bulletin #113 1991
- * Genie Roundtable: On Agents, (sy) SFWA Bulletin #119 1993
FISCUS, JAMES W. (1944- ); (about) (chron.)
- * Amazing Stories Pulls Offending Contract, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #144 1999
- * Avoid Dark Alleys and Bad Contracts, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #139 1998
- * Baen on the Web; Dell Sells Electronic Editions, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #145 2000
- * The Battle for Electronic Rights, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #132 1996
- * Call for Submissions: The Endeavour Award, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #142 1999
- * Caveat Scriptor: Tasini Decision Encourages Rights Grab, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #142 1999
- * Caveat Scriptor:
* ___ Avoid Dark Alleys and Bad Contracts, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #139 1998
* ___ Baen on the Web; Dell Sells Electronic Editions, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #145 2000
* ___ Dragon Magazine CD Fight Puts Money for Writers Before Contract Rights, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #148 2000
* ___ Print-on-Demand Books Could Help and Injure Writers, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #143 1999
* ___ Proposed Law Helping Software Producers May Injure Writers, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #141 1999
* ___ Writers Win Tasini Appeal, Keep E-Rights, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #144 1999
- * Dragon Magazine CD Fight Puts Money for Writers Before Contract Rights, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #148 2000
- * Print-on-Demand Books Could Help and Injure Writers, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #143 1999
- * Proposed Law Helping Software Producers May Injure Writers, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #141 1999
- * SFWA Standards for Pay, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #203 2014
- * Solidarity: Hazards on the New Frontier, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #135 1997
- * Writers Win Tasini Appeal, Keep E-Rights, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #144 1999
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