The SFWA Bulletin Index, 1965-2018
Stories, Listed by Author
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DI FILIPPO, PAUL (Gerard) (1954- ); (about) (chron.)
- * About Lennon Spex, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #119 1993
- * About his story Kid Charlemagne, he writes:, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #99 1988
- * Behold the Multiversal Man, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #177 2008
- * Ill Trade You Two Nobels, a MacArthur Grant and a Pulitzer for One of Those Starry Paperweights, (hu) SFWA Bulletin #146 2000
- * Just Me and My Protoplasmic Ego Extension, (hu) SFWA Bulletin #145 2000
- * Lives in Science, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #109 1990
- * Market Report, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #102 1988, #103, #105, #106 1989, #107, #108 1990
- * Market Reports, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #101 1988
- * Readin and Ritin and Royalties, (hu) SFWA Bulletin #155 2002
- * U.S. Market Report, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #104 1989
- * A Vade Mecum for the Third Millennium, (hu) SFWA Bulletin #154 2002
EASTON, THOMAS A(twood) (1944- ); (about) (chron.)
- * 1999 Nebula Awards Appreciations: Stanley Schmidt (Toastmaster), (ms) SFWA Bulletin #142 1999
- * Astounding Continuity, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #174 2007
- * Book Reviewing: A Matter of Opinion, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #115 1992
- * The Brink of Glory, (pm) SFWA Bulletin #98 1987
- * Future Tense vs, Future Perfect, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #60 1976
- * How Dare He Potchke with a Sacred Icon? Or, Has He Lost His Marbles?, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #162 2004
- * Jaded Wonders, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #134 1997
- * Newton at Sea, (pm) SFWA Bulletin #98 1987
- * Pro Forma:
* ___ How Dare He Potchke with a Sacred Icon? Or, Has He Lost His Marbles?, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #162 2004
- * Prostitutes, Markets, and Quality, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #97 1987
- * The Science Fiction Non-Story, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #59 1976
- * Science-Fact and Fiction: Robots, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #141 1999
- * A SFWA Code of Professional Ethics, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #158 2003
- * So You Want to Be a Reviewer?, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #178 2008
_____, reviews:
EFFINGER, GEORGE ALEC (1947-2002); (about) (chron.)
- * About his novel When Gravity Falls, he writes:, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #99 1988
- * About his novelettte Schrodingers Kitten, he writes:, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #103 1989
- * About his novella Marîd Changes His Mind, he writes:, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #107 1990
- * Bulletin Symposium, (sy) SFWA Bulletin #99 1988
- * The Cleveland Codex, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #76 1981
- * The Cleveland Codex II: SF in Ghidan, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #78 1982
- * In Memoriam: Robert A. Heinlein, 1907-1988, (ob) SFWA Bulletin #100 1988
_____, [ref.]
ELLIOT, JEFFREY M. (1947-2009); (about) (chron.)
- * Charles C. Ryan of Aboriginal Science Fiction, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #100 1988
- * Donald A. Wollheim, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #83 1984
- * Edward L. Ferman, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #96 1987
- * Elinor Mavor: Setting the Record Straight, (iv) SFWA Bulletin #84 1984
- * Ellen Datlow, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #102 1988
- * George H. Scithers, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #90 1985
- * In on the Beginning (with Stanton A. Coblentz), (ar) SFWA Bulletin #80 1983
- * Lou Aronica, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #88 1985
- * Meet the Editor:
* ___ Charles C. Ryan of Aboriginal Science Fiction, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #100 1988
* ___ Donald A. Wollheim, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #83 1984
* ___ Edward L. Ferman, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #96 1987
* ___ Ellen Datlow, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #102 1988
* ___ George H. Scithers, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #90 1985
* ___ Lou Aronica, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #88 1985
* ___ Robert Reginald, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #86 1984
* ___ Ruth K. Hapgood, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #84 1984
* ___ Shawna McCarthy, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #85 1984
* ___ Stanley Schmidt, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #87 1985
* ___ W. Paul Ganley of Weirdbook Press, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #94 1986
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