Book, tape, and movie reviews for Am. J. Phys., Analog, and IEEE Spectrum
Bio/appreciations for convention program books, including Jerry Oltion, Timothy Zahn, Lois McMaster Bujold, Michael F. Flynn, Rick Shelley and Betsy Mitchell
Introductions to collections by authors including Jerry Oltion, Adam-Troy Castro, Uncle River, Brad R. Torgersen, Eric James Stone and Dave Creek.
Short contributions to fanzines including Lan's Lantern and Empire
Assorted lectures, often at museums or universities, including invited papers at national meetings of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, American Association of Physics Teachers, and National Space Society
Assorted musical arrangements and compositions, including pieces performed by the Cincinnati Civic Orchestra, the Brass Guild Quintet, and the Analog Mafia Ragtime Band
Photographs in publications including Camping Journal, Analog, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, the Appalachian Trail Calendar, and Locus; and on exhibit in the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.