An Appreciation of Eleanor Wood
by Michael Capobianco
SFWA thanks Eleanor Wood and Spectrum Literary Agency for more than twenty years of service to the organization.
by Michael Capobianco
SFWA thanks Eleanor Wood and Spectrum Literary Agency for more than twenty years of service to the organization.
The Drunken Dragon is a satire of epic fantasies told from the dragon Draco’s perspective. If Groucho Marx had done GOT from a dragon’s perspective, it might have turned out like this.
Jean Marie Ward writes about all things weird, wonderful and downright peculiar in her hometown of Washington, DC. Sometimes she writes fiction. It makes a lot more sense than the facts. Her web site is
Come celebrate our diamond year with us! Register now for SFWA's 60th Annual Nebula Conference, hosted at Kansas City, MO, and also online, from June 5-8.