Quick Updates for September
Welcome new members, Sales, Videos of Google Book Settlement, Writers Digest seeks authors, and Nominate for Carl Brandon Awards.
Welcome new members, Sales, Videos of Google Book Settlement, Writers Digest seeks authors, and Nominate for Carl Brandon Awards.
Linda is a lonely remote worker who confronts digital gaslighting and identity theft when she uncovers a deepfake A.I. persona at her company that no one else recognizes. The conflict escalates to devastating consequences.
Katherine Quevedo hails from Portland, Oregon, where she works as an analyst and lives with her husband and two sons. Her Pushcart and Rhysling nominated fiction and poetry appear in Nightmare Magazine, Asimov’s, Fireside Magazine, and elsewhere.
Come celebrate our diamond year with us! Register now for SFWA's 60th Annual Nebula Conference, hosted at Kansas City, MO, and also online, from June 5-8.