Quick Updates for 2010-03-07
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Leonell Strong III, Victoria Strauss, Carrie Ryan, Laura Bickle, Nancy Fulda, and Yasmine Galenorn!
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Leonell Strong III, Victoria Strauss, Carrie Ryan, Laura Bickle, Nancy Fulda, and Yasmine Galenorn!
Set in NYC and a fictional feudal planet, this novel tempts the feral temperament of Internet connoisseurs with a lubricious story that puts the R back into romance. Alas, an AI’s effort to participate here flashes like a horror show throughout.
Jean Marie Ward writes about all things weird, wonderful and downright peculiar in her hometown of Washington, DC. Sometimes she writes fiction. It makes a lot more sense than the facts. Her web site is JeanMarieWard.com.