Quick Updates for September
Welcome new members, Sales, Videos of Google Book Settlement, Writers Digest seeks authors, and Nominate for Carl Brandon Awards.
Welcome new members, Sales, Videos of Google Book Settlement, Writers Digest seeks authors, and Nominate for Carl Brandon Awards.
For the Nameless Restaurant, once a discreet hole-in-the-wall meant for a cast of supernatural regulars, the increasing levels of background magic has brought with it that most dreadful of locusts – new customers.
Brian Pinkerton is the author of The Perfect Stranger, The Nirvana Effect & The Gemini Experiment. Publishers Weekly praises his tech thrillers, “Fans of stories centered on the conflict between the virtual and the real will find plenty to enjoy.”
Come celebrate our diamond year with us! Register now for SFWA's 60th Annual Nebula Conference, hosted at Kansas City, MO, and also online, from June 5-8.