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July Market Report

Welcome to the July Market Report for SF/F. Magazine News: Deep Magic is a bi-monthly electronic magazine that publishes clean short fiction in the fantasy and science fiction genres. Our issues are also filled with author interviews, art features, book reviews and tips for writers. Most of our nonfiction pieces are invitation only to industry professionals […]

June Market Report

Welcome to the Junec Market Report for SF/F.

Deadlines and Closures to Note:

Pro anthology Sunvault: Stories of Solarpunk and Eco-Speculation is open to submissions of fiction and poetry until June 4 and submissions of line art and coloring pages until June 30, 2016.

April Market Report

Welcome to the April Market Report for SF/F. Deadlines and Closures to Note: Alfa Eridiani (Spain) has ceased publication. Gypsy Shadow Publishing, Unlikely Story, and Urban Fantasy Magazine are closed to new submissions until further notice. Hyperpulp (Brazil) has not released an issue since 2012. Intercom-SF (Italy) is currently not publishing. Jupiter Gardens Press is closed to […]