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Authors Guild Statement on Random House’s Rights Grab

I received the statement below this morning from the Authors Guild. I’m not happy with the Authors Guild these days, because of the debacle of the Google Book Search Settlement. But I agree with their position on Random House’s recent attempt to claim electronic rights on backlist titles whose contracts do not include a grant of those rights.

One Week, Two Big Pieces of Ebook News

Last week, the publishing world was abuzz with news that Simon & Schuster, Hachette, and HarperCollins intend to delay the release of ebook versions of most of their hardcover titles by three or four months, rather than releasing the ebooks simultaneously with hardcovers…

Quick Updates for 2009-11-22

@redrobinreader @melissablue13 We're aware of Thomas Nelson, but they've never been on our qualifying publishers list and wouldn't qualify. in reply to redrobinreader # @melissablue13 It's a mix of Writer Beware, volunteers and members. We have a contracts committee that reviews for industry standards. in reply to melissablue13 # @redrobinreader "Them?" being Thomas Nelson? Correct, […]

Quick Updates for 2009-11-20

Welcome to new members Terence Taylor, Sarah Rees Brennan, Katherine Allred, Kristen Painter, Tim Stretton and Heather McDougla, plus interesting links about vanity and self-publishing from around the web.

The scariest aliens in the galaxy follow a simple rule: destroy all opposition.  Larry Niven and Edward M. Lerner are pleased to announce the release of their latest collaboration: Destroyer of Worlds.  The brilliant, xenophobic Pak are fleeing the chain reaction of supernovae at the galaxy’s core. Nothing and no one is going to impede […]