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Quick Updates for 2009-11-22

@redrobinreader @melissablue13 We're aware of Thomas Nelson, but they've never been on our qualifying publishers list and wouldn't qualify. in reply to redrobinreader # @melissablue13 It's a mix of Writer Beware, volunteers and members. We have a contracts committee that reviews for industry standards. in reply to melissablue13 # @redrobinreader "Them?" being Thomas Nelson? Correct, […]

Quick Updates for 2009-11-20

Welcome to new members Terence Taylor, Sarah Rees Brennan, Katherine Allred, Kristen Painter, Tim Stretton and Heather McDougla, plus interesting links about vanity and self-publishing from around the web.

The scariest aliens in the galaxy follow a simple rule: destroy all opposition.  Larry Niven and Edward M. Lerner are pleased to announce the release of their latest collaboration: Destroyer of Worlds.  The brilliant, xenophobic Pak are fleeing the chain reaction of supernovae at the galaxy’s core. Nothing and no one is going to impede […]

Quick Updates for 2009-10-23

Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, Gregory Norman Bossert, whose story "The Union of Soil and Sky" will be… # @JohnPicacio YAY! Congratulations! I know what calendar I'm getting for 2011. in reply to JohnPicacio # RT @jenniferbrozek: I was interviewed by Science Fiction and Other Oddysseys – # RT @nkjemisin: Cover letters […]

Invitation: SFWA’s Annual New York Reception

Date: November 23, 2009 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Location: Planet Hollywood, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America will host its annual reception for the publishing industry in a new location this year. Planet Hollywood, located at 45th and Broadway in Times Square, should provide a […]