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Carlson’s Plague Year takes France

The international bestselling novel Plague Year invaded France this week with the first title in Jeff Carlson’s trilogy of sci fi thrillers selling for a “solid” advance to Bibliotheque Interdite, described by literary agent Cameron McClure as “a young but dynamic publishing house that works with Games Workshop.  They are growing and becoming more and more important in […]

Quick Updates for 2010-02-18

RT @victoriastrauss: Open Book Alliance: how Google Book Settlement gives Google monopoly in another area: search # @jasonsanford 🙂 in reply to jasonsanford # FYI: @Pyr_Books is now accepting unagented manuscripts in certain subgenres: # At some point in the past couple of days the new SFWA website passed a million page views. […]

Quick Updates for 2010-02-16

@jchutchins Thank you for nominating. in reply to jchutchins # Congratulations to SFWA member @joannemerriam who sold a short story to Per Contra. # SFWA members, you have until 11:59pm tonight to turn in your Nebula ballots for the Nomination period. # A reminder to people watching the running tally: The paper ballots have […]

Quick Updates for 2010-02-12

RT @daviddlevine: New blog post: AM Northwest appearance rescheduled to Feb 26 # The Knight Agency is hosting a chat session with agents @NepheleTempest and SFWA member @LucienneDiver tonight. # @Berry_k We think so but don't have an official note from them. The suspicion is storm damage. in reply to Berry_k # RT […]

Quick Updates for 2010-02-10

6 days left to nominate for the Nebulas. Nominations close on Feb 15th. # Congratulations to SFWA member @Catrambo who has just signed with agent (& member) @Ginger_Clark # @ginger_clark Of course! We like to share good news. in reply to Ginger_Clark # @Ginger_Clark That might be because I've been offline and missed […]

Hachette Book Group moves to Agency model

Galleycat reports on Hachette Book Group’s decision to move to the same type of agency model proposed by Macmillan.  Below is the letter from their CEO, David Young. February 4, 2010 Dear Agent, At Hachette Book Group, we have been considering a new pricing model for some time, and have decided to transition to selling […]

Dispatches from the Ebook Wars: Macmillan vs. Amazon

For some time, publishers and others have been concerned about Amazon’s policy of pricing ebooks at $9.99, regardless of the price tag publishers put on them. Many feel that Amazon’s discounted ebook pricing is an attempt to control and monopolize the ebook market by forcing a pricing standard. Some in the publishing industry have even called the practice predatory.