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How threatened do publishers feel by agencies’ aggressive moves into publishing? Well, according to a report today in The Bookseller, Random House UK has done an end run around prestigious literary agency Sheil Land, directly approaching author Tom Sharpe to secure digital rights to his backlist.

Guest Post: Writing Advice

You become a writer by writing. You learn by damaging your ego, and giving more of yourself than you take. By a thousand revelations, by millions of words you improve.

Write on the River 2011

2011 WRITE ON THE RIVER CONFERENCE SHOWCASES PACIFIC NORTHWEST LITERARY TALENT Wenatchee’s year-round writing organization has outdone itself this year, bringing three New York Times best-selling authors and an experienced homegrown array of predominantly Pacific Northwest authors and editors to the upcoming May 14-15 conference.   Held at Wenatchee Valley College, this conference has become […]

The Interminable Agency Clause

An “interminable agency clause” (sometimes called an “interminable rights clause” or a “perpetual agency clause”) is language inserted into an author-agency agreement whereby the agency claims the right to remain the agent of record not just for the duration of any contracts it negotiates, but for the life of copyright.

Quick Updates for 2011-04-21

Member News for Randy Henderson, Donald Norum, Jason V. Brock, K.V. Johansen, Adam Christopher, Allan Cole, David Levine, Vonda N. McIntyre, Anna D. Allen, Mary Robinette Kowal, Paul Cornell, and Kay Kenyon.