Home > Present and Past SFWA Board & Officers

Present and Past SFWA Board & Officers

SFWA is a mostly volunteer-run 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We’d like to take the time to thank those professionals who have stepped up and run for one of the SFWA Board positions throughout our nearly sixty-year history.

All Present and Past Officers and Selected Other Positions

November 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

President: Kate Ristau

Vice President: Anthony W. Eichenlaub

CFO: Jonathan Brazee

Secretary: Steven D. Brewer


Christine Taylor-Butler

Phoebe Barton

Noah Sturdevant

Alton Kremer

Day Al-Mohamed (Appointed Feb 1, 2025)

Executive Director: Kate Baker (empty as of December 1, 2024)

Interim Executive Director: Russell Davis

July 1, 2024 – October 31, 2024

President: Jeffe Kennedy (resigned Aug 1, 2024)

–Chelsea Mueller (Aug 1, 2024 – Aug 15, 2024) (resigned Aug 15, 2024)

–Anthony Eichenlaub (Aug 15, 2024 – term ends with Special Election of new President)

Vice President: Chelsea Mueller (promoted to President Aug 1, 2024)

–Anthony Eichenlaub (promoted to President Aug 15, 2024)

–(empty until Special Election)

Chief Financial Officer: Jonathan Brazee

Secretary: Jasmine Gower (resigned)

–Anthony Eichenlaub (promoted to Vice President Aug 15, 2024)

–(empty until Special Election)


Anthony Eichenlaub (promoted to Secretary)

Christine Taylor-Butler

Phoebe Barton

Noah Sturdevant – (appointed to replace Anthony Eichenlaub)

Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki (removed from office October 28, 2024)


Alton Kremer (appointed to replace Chelsea Mueller July 1, 2024)

Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay (empty as of September 30, 2024))

2023 – 2024

President: Jeffe Kennedy

Vice President: John P. Murphy

Secretary: Jasmine Gower

Chief Financial Officer: Erin M. Hartshorn


Christine Taylor-Butler

Chelsea Mueller

Monica Valentinelli

Jordan Kurella

Phoebe Barton

Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay

2022 – 2023

President: Jeffe Kennedy

Vice President: John P. Murphy

Secretary: Adam Rakunas

Chief Financial Officer: Erin M. Hartshorn


José Pablo Iriarte

Remy Nakamura

Christine Taylor-Butler

Monica Valentinelli

Jordan Kurella

Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay

2021 – 2022

President: Jeffe Kennedy

Vice President: Tobias S. Buckell

Secretary: Adam Rakunas


José Pablo Iriarte

Remy Nakamura

Christine Taylor-Butler

Monica Valentinelli

Phoebe Barton

Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay


2020 – 2021

President: Mary Robinette Kowal

Vice President: Tobias S. Buckell

Secretary: Curtis C. Chen

Chief Financial Officer: Nathan Lowell


Sarah Pinsker

Jeffe Kennedy

James Beamon

Monica Valentinelli

Phoebe Barton

Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay

2019 – 2020

President: Mary Robinette Kowal

Vice President: Erin Hartshorn

Secretary: Curtis C. Chen

Chief Financial Officer: Nathan Lowell


Sarah Pinsker

Tobias S. Buckell

Jeffe Kennedy

James Beamon

Kelly Robson


Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay


January 1st – June 30th, 2019

President: Cat Rambo

Vice President: Erin Hartshorn

Secretary: Curtis C. Chen

Chief Financial Officer: Nathan Lowell


Sarah Pinsker

Tobias S. Buckell*

Jeffe Kennedy

Andy Duncan

Kelly Robson


Executive Director: Kate Baker

Deputy Executive Director: Terra LeMay


*appointed in April 2019 after resignation of Director-at-Large, Lawrence M. Schoen.


President: Cat Rambo

Vice President: Erin Hartshorn

Secretary: Curtis C. Chen

Chief Financial Officer: Nathan Lowell


Sarah Pinsker

Lawrence M. Schoen

Jeffe Kennedy

Andy Duncan

Kelly Robson


Executive Director: Kate Baker



President: Cat Rambo

Vice President: Erin Hartshorn (Maggie Hogarth Resigned 5/2017)

Secretary: Curtis C. Chen

Chief Financial Officer: Bud Sparhawk


Sarah Pinsker

Lawrence M. Schoen

John P. Murphy

Jeffe Kennedy

Andy Duncan


Executive Director: Kate Baker


2016 – 2017

President: Cat Rambo

Vice President: Maggie Hogarth

Secretary: Susan Forest

Chief Financial Officer: Bud Sparhawk


Sarah Pinsker

Justina Ireland (Resigned 12/2016)

Erin M. Hartshorn (Appointed 12/2016)

Lawrence M. Schoen

Matthew Johnson

Jennifer Brozek


Executive Director: Kate Baker



President: Cat Rambo

Vice President: M. C. A. Hogarth

Secretary: Susan Forest

Chief Financial Officer: Bud Sparhawk


Sarah Pinsker

Lee Martindale

Jennifer Brozek

Matthew Johnson

Tansy Rayner Roberts


Director of Operations: Kate Baker



President: Steven Gould

Vice President: Cat Rambo

Secretary: Susan Forest

Chief Financial Officer: Bud Sparhawk

Regional Directors:

East: Sarah Pinsker

South-Central: Lee Martindale

West: Jim Fiscus

Canadian: Matthew Johnson

Overseas: Tansy Rayner Roberts


Director of Operations: Kate Baker



President: Steven Gould

Vice President: Rachel Swirsky

Secretary: Susan Forest

Treasurer: Bud Sparhawk

Regional Directors:

East: E. C. Myers

South-Central: Lee Martindale

West: Jim Fiscus

Canadian: Matthew Johnson

Overseas: Tansy Rayner Roberts

Director of Operations: Kate Baker



President: John Scalzi

Vice President: Rachel Swirsky

Secretary: Ann Leckie

Treasurer: Bud Sparhawk

Regional Directors:

East: Catherynne M. Valente

South-Central: Lee Martindale

West: Jim Fiscus

Canadian: Matthew Johnson

Overseas: Tansy Rayner Roberts

Office Manager: Kate Baker



President: John Scalzi

Vice President: Mary Robinette Kowal

Secretary: Robert J. Howe

Treasurer: Amy Sterling Casil / Bud Sparhawk

Regional Directors:

East: Bud Sparhawk / Catherynne M. Valente

South-Central: Lee Martindale

West: Jim Fiscus

Canadian: vacant

Overseas: Sean Williams

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell / position discontinued

Office Manager: Kate Baker


President: Russell Davis

Vice President: Elizabeth Moon / Michael Capobianco

Secretary: Mary Robinette Kowal

Treasurer: Amy Sterling Casil

Regional Directors:

East: Bud Sparhawk

South-Central: Paul Melko

West: Jim Fiscus

Canadian: Chris Atack / vacant

Overseas: Ian Whates / vacant

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell


President: Michael Capobianco

Vice President: Andrew Burt

Secretary: Alma Alexander

Treasurer: Susan Urbanek Linville

Regional Directors

East: Bud Sparhawk

South-Central: Paul Melko

West: Russell Davis

Canadian: Chris Atack

Overseas: vacant

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell 


President: Robin Wayne Bailey
Vice President: Howard V. Hendrix
Secretary: Catherine Mintz
Treasurer: Justin Stanchfield

Regional Directors:
East: Diane Turnshek
South-Central: Alexis Glynn Latner
West: Sheila Finch
Canadian: Derryl Murphy
Overseas: Ian Watson

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell
The Bulletin: Mark Kreighbaum
Grievance Chair: John Barnes
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Robin Wayne Bailey
Vice President: Howard V. Hendrix
Secretary: Catherine Mintz
Treasurer: Justin Stanchfield

Regional Directors:
East: Diane Turnshek
South-Central: Alexis Glynn Latner
West: Sheila Finch
Canadian: Derryl Murphy
Overseas: James A. Hartley

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell
The Bulletin: Mark Kreighbaum
Grievance Chair: John Barnes
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Catherine Asaro
Vice President: Andrew Burt
Secretary: Deborah J. Ross
Treasurer: Justin Stanchfield

Regional Directors:
East: Catherine Mintz/Diane Turnshek
South-Central: Alexis Glynn Latner
West: Sheila Finch
Canadian: Derryl Murphy
Overseas: James A. Hartley

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell
The Bulletin: Mark Kreighbaum
Grievance Chair: Kevin O’Donnell, Jr.
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Catherine Asaro
Vice President: Andrew Burt
Secretary: Kathy D. Wentworth
Treasurer: Lawrence Watt-Evans

Regional Directors:
East: Catherine Mintz
South-Central: Lois Tilton
West: Sheila Finch
Canadian: Chris Atack
Overseas: James A. Hartley

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell
The Bulletin: Mark Kreighbaum
Grievance Chair: Kevin O’Donnell, Jr.
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Sharon Lee
Vice President: Catherine Asaro
Secretary: ElizaBeth Gilligan
Treasurer: Chuck Rothman

Regional Directors:
East: Catherine Mintz
South-Central: Lois Tilton
West: Howard Hendrix
Canadian: Chris Atack
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall/Ian Watson

Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell
The Bulletin: Mark Kreighbaum
Grievance Chair: Kevin O’Donnell, Jr.
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Norman Spinrad
Vice President: Sharon Lee
Secretary: Madeleine Robins
Treasurer: Chuck Rothman
Exec. Dir: Jane Jewell

Regional Directors:
East: Brad Ferguson
South-Central: Lois Tilton
West: Howard Hendrix
Canadian: Chris Atack
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall

The Bulletin: Dave Truesdale
Grievance Chair: Kevin O’Donnell, Jr.
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Paul Levinson
Vice President: Terry McGarry
Secretary: K.D. Wentworth
Treasurer: Chuck Rothman

Regional Directors:
East: Brad Ferguson
South-Central: Linda J. Dunn
West: Howard Hendrix
Canadian: Derryl Murphy
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall

Exec. Dir: Sharon Lee/Jane Jewell
The Bulletin: Dave Truesdale
Grievance Chair: Kevin O’Donnell, Jr.
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Paul Levinson
Vice President: A.C. Crispin
Secretary: Michael A. Burstein
Treasurer: Ian Randal Strock

Regional Directors:
East: Brad Ferguson
South-Central: Linda Dunn
West: Michael Armstrong
Canadian: Derryl Murphy
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall

Exec. Dir: Sharon Lee
The Bulletin: Dave Truesdale
Grievance Chair:
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Robert J. Sawyer/Paul Levinson
Vice President: Paul Levinson/A.C. Crispin
Secretary: Michael A. Burstein
Treasurer: Ian Randal Strock

Regional Directors:
East: A.C. Crispin/Allen M. Steele
South-Central: Linda J. Dunn
West: Michael Armstrong
Canadian: Edo van Belkom/Derryl Murphy
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall

Exec. Dir.: Sharon Lee
The Bulletin: Mark J. McGarry/John Betancourt/Dave Truesdale
Grievance Chair: M. Christine Valada
Forum: James C. Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Michael Capobianco
Vice President: George R. R. Martin
Secretary: John J. Miller
Treasurer: Charles G. McGraw

Regional Directors:
East: A.C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Michael Armstrong
Canadian: Edo van Belkom
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall

Exec. Dir.: Sharon Lee
Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Mark J. McGarry
Grievance Chair: M. Christine Valada
Forum: Jerry Oltion/James Bassett
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Michael Capobianco
Vice President: George R. R. Martin
Secretary: John J. Miller
Treasurer: Charles G. McGraw

Regional Directors:
East: A. C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Diana Paxson
Canadian: Edo van Belkom
Overseas: Sam J. Lundwall

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Mark J. McGarry
Grievance Chair: Sheila Finch
Forum: Jerry Oltion
N.A.R. Editor: Brook West


President: Barbara Hambly
Vice President: Michael Capobianco
Secretary: James Macdonald
Treasurer: Mickey Zucker Reichert

Regional Directors:
East: A. C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Diana Paxson
Canadian: Edo van Belkom
Overseas: Pierre Barbet/Sam J. Lundwall

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Mark J. McGarry
Grievance Chair: Sheila Finch
Forum: Jerry Oltion
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq Von Rospach


President: Barbara Hambly
Vice President: C. J. Cherryh
Secretary: James Macdonald
Treasurer: Mickey Zucker Reichert

Regional Directors:
East: A. C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Diana Paxson
Canadian: Robert J. Sawyer
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Dan Hatch
Grievance Chair: Sheila Finch
Forum: Kevin and Rebecca Anderson
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq Von Rospach


President: Joe Haldeman
Vice President: C. J. Cherryh
Secretary: Dafydd ab Hugh
Treasurer: Michael Capobianco

Regional Directors:
East: A. C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Diana Paxson
Canadian: Robert J. Sawyer
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Dan Hatch
Grievance Chair: Sheila Finch
Forum: Kevin and Rebecca Anderson
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq Von Rospach


President: Joe Haldeman
Vice President: Sheila Finch
Secretary: Dafydd ab Hugh
Treasurer: Michael Capobianco

Regional Directors:
East: A. C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Diana Paxson
Canadian: Robert J. Sawyer
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Dan Hatch
Grievance Chair: Sheila Finch
Forum: Kevin and Rebecca Anderson
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq Von Rospach


President: Ben Bova
Vice President: Sheila Finch
Secretary: C. J. Cherryh
Treasurer: Bruce Bethke

Regional Directors:
East: A. C. Crispin
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Diana Paxson
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Dan Hatch
Grievance Chair: Sheila Finch
Forum: A.J. Austin Hamler
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq Von Rospach


President: Ben Bova
Vice President: Dean R. Lambe
Secretary: Martha Soukup
Treasurer: Bruce Bethke

Regional Directors:
East: Lawrence Watt-Evans
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Stephen Goldin
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski & Pamela Sargent
Grievance Chair: Dean R. Lambe
Forum: A. J. Austin Hamler
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq von Rospach


President: Greg Bear
Vice President: Dean R. Lambe
Secretary: Martha Soukup
Treasurer: David Alexander Smith

 Regional Directors:
East: F. Paul Wilson
South-Central: Robin Wayne Bailey
West: Stephen Goldin
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski & Pamela Sargent
Grievance Chair: Dean R. Lambe
Forum: Diane Clark
N.A.R. Editor: Chuq von Rospach


President: Greg Bear
Vice President: Michael Cassutt
Secretary: Frank Catalano
Treasurer: D. Alexander Smith

Regional Directors:
East: F. Paul Wilson
South-Central: Steven Gould
West: Stephen Goldin
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski & Pamela Sargent
Grievance Chair: Michael Cassutt
Forum: Diane Brizzolara Clark
N.A.R. Editor: Mark L. Van Name


President: Jane Yolen
Vice President: John F. Carr/Greg Bear
Secretary: Lee Killough
Treasurer: Harry Turtledove / David Alexander Smith

Regional Directors:
East: F. Paul Wilson
South-Central: Steven Gould
West: Norman Spinrad
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski & Pamela Sargent
Grievance chair: Warren Norwood
Forum: Kiel Stuart
N.A.R. Editor: Orson Scott Card / Mark Van Name


President: Charles Sheffield
Vice President: Roland Green
Secretary: C. J. Cherryh
Treasurer: John F. Carr

Regional Directors:
East: F. Paul Wilson
South-Central: Sharon Webb
West: Greg Benford / Norman Spinrad
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski & Pamela Sargent
Grievance chair: Paul Preuss / Greg Bear
Forum: Greg Bear / Kiel Stuart
N.A.R. Editor: Frank Catalano / Orson Scott Card


President: Marta Randall
Vice President: Charles Sheffield
Secretary: David Brin

Treasurer: John F. Carr
Regional Directors:
East: Barry N. Malzberg
South-Central: Sharon Webb
West: Gregory Benford
Overseas: Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski & Pamela Sargent
Grievance chair: Karl T. Pflock / Paul Preuss
Forum: Greg Bear & Astrid Anderson
N.A.R. Editor: Frank Catalano / Waters


President: Norman Spinrad
Vice President: Dave Bischoff  /  Marta Randall
Secretary: Somtow Sucharitkul
Treasurer: Jack Chalker

 Regional Directors:
East: C. L. Grant / Barry N. Malzberg
South-Central: Joan Hunter Holly
West: David Gerrold
Overseas: Fred Clarke/Pierre Barbet

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: Richard Kearns
Grievance chair: Karl T. Pflock
Forum: Mark J. McGarry
N.A.R. Editor: Frank Catalano


President: Jack Williamson
Vice President: Marion Zimmer Bradley / Robert E. Vardeman
Secretary: David Bischoff
Treasurer: Joan Hunter Holly / Jack Chalker

Eastern Regional Director: Charles L. Grant

South/Central Regional Director: George R. R. Martin

Western Regional Director: David Gerrold

Exec. Sec.: Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: John F. Carr
Grievance chair: Joe Haldeman
Forum: Robert E. Vardeman / Paul D. Novitski
N.A.R. Editor: George W. Proctor


President: Andrew J. Offutt
Vice President: Mildred Downey Broxon
Secretary: Thomas F. Monteleone
Treasurer: Joan Hunter Holly

Eastern Regional Director: Tom Purdom

South/Central Regional Director: Joseph L. Green/George R. R. Martin

Western Regional Director: Robert Silverberg

Exec. Sec.: C. L. Grant / Peter D. Pautz
The Bulletin: S. Goldin / John F. Carr
Grievance chair: Jerry Pournelle
Overseas Agent: Andrew M. Stephenson
Forum: Theodore Cogswell / Robert Vardeman
N.A.R. Editor: C.L. Grant / George W. Proctor



President: Frederik Pohl
Vice President: F. M. Busby
Secretary: Theodore Cogswell/Thomas F. Monteleone
Treasurer: Andrew J. Offutt

Exec. Sec.: C. L. Grant
The Bulletin: G. Zebrowski/Stephen Goldin
Grievance chair: Jerry Pournelle
Overseas Agent: Christopher Priest
Forum: Theodore Cogswell
N.A.R. Editor: Vonda N. McIntyre



President: Jerry Pournelle
Vice President: Norman Spinrad
Secretary: Robert Coulson
Treasurer: Andrew J. Offutt

Exec. Sec.: C. L. Grant
The Bulletin: George Zebrowski
Overseas Agent: Christopher Priest
Forum: Theodore Cogswell
N.A.R. Editor: Vonda N. McIntyre



President: Poul Anderson
Vice President: Norman Spinrad
Secretary: Robert Coulson
Treasurer: Joe Haldeman

The Bulletin: George Zebrowski
Overseas Agent: Christopher Priest
Forum: George Scithers / Theodore Cogswell
N.A.R. Editor: Vonda N. McIntyre



President: James Gunn
Vice President: Tom Purdom
Secretary: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Treasurer: Joe Haldeman

The Bulletin: George Zebrowski
Grievance chair: ?
Overseas Agent: Christopher Priest
Forum: Juanita Coulson



President: Gordon Dickson
Vice President: Ron Goulart
Secretary-Treasurer: Anne McCaffrey

The Bulletin: Barry Malzberg/G. Zebrowski
Grievance chair: Ron Goulart



President: Alan E. Nourse
Vice President: Harry Harrison
Secretary-Treasurer: Anne McCaffrey

The Bulletin: Alexei Panshin



President: Robert Silverberg
Vice President: James Blish
Secretary-Treasurer: Roger Zelazny

The Bulletin: Terry Carr



President: Damon Knight
Vice President: Harlan Ellison
Secretary-Treasurer: Lloyd Biggle, Jr.

The Bulletin: Damon Knight


*Special thanks to Michael Capobianco and Kate Baker for putting together this list.