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Speculative Poetry 101

SFWA’s Speculative Poetry 101 pages serve as a hub to help both experienced and fledgling poets establish themselves in the speculative poetry market.

Science fiction and fantasy both share rich histories in this space. From ancient oral traditions such as Beowulf and Gilgamesh to modern J.R.R. Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin, fantastical poetry has galvanized and gripped humanity since our species learned to speak.

Writing and publishing speculative poetry faces unique challenges and considerations compared to prose. Below are several articles and resources created by SFWA’s Speculative Poetry Committee to aid science fiction and fantasy poets in creating, performing, and marketing their work.

The SFWA minimum payment rate for professional poetry markets is $50 per poem or $1 per line. There is no minimum length requirement.

Below are the resources available in Speculative Poetry 101. Please check in every couple months to view the latest sections as this living hub grows with topics such as marketing and performance.

For questions or suggestions related to Speculative Poetry 101, please email poetry-committee@sfwa.org.