SFWA Middle Grade and Young Adult Writers Steering Committee
The Middle Grade & Young Adult Writers Steering Committee supports and builds community among children’s authors within SFWA through advocacy, resource sharing, and networking opportunities. It serves as a special interest group supporting SFWA members who have published or are interested in publishing in the middle grade (MG) and young adult (YA) markets. Any interested SFWA members are welcome to join, from kidlit pros to kidlit newbies.
Please join us! To do so, click this link and select the “Ask to Join Group” option. Please include your SFWA member name in the “Reason to Join” section on the resulting form, as well as a bit about your background and/or interest in MG & YA. Once the steering committee confirms your SFWA membership, you will be admitted to the group.
Looking forward to having you with us!
More Information About the SFWA MG/YA Committee
The primary purpose of this group is to create an integral community within SFWA that is comprised of MG & YA SFWA authors for mutual support and knowledge sharing, which recognizes that MG & YA authors work in unique markets. Secondarily, this group aims to provide information to the broader SFWA membership about MG & YA fiction writing via educational outreach in SFWA publications and posts, at SF/F conventions, and elsewhere.
SFWA MG/YA Committee is guided by a three-person steering committee.
Appointment of MG/YA Committee Chairperson
The SFWA President will appoint a steering committee chairperson, acting with the consent of the Board, for a one-year term. The president may, with the consent of the board, appoint the committee chairperson for a second one-year term.
Appointment of the Steering Committee
The committee chair will request two additional steering committee members by asking for volunteers from MG/YA Committee group members. If more than two members volunteer for these positions, a vote will be held online among the group participants to fill the two vacancies. Steering committee members are expected to serve for one year from July 1 to June 30.
The responsibilities of the steering committee include, but are not limited to:
(1) acting as liaisons with the rest of SFWA;
(2) moderating the discussion in the group, particularly the listserv, which is co-owned (as “owner” is defined by the hosting listserv) by the steering committee chair and a member of the Board designated by the President;
(3) nominating a replacement chairperson to the President for a vacancy for any reason. The President is obligated to consider but not to accept or appoint the nominee; and
(4) fulfilling other responsibilities as agreed upon by the members of the SFWA MG/YA Committee.
All members of SFWA are eligible to join the SFWA MG/YA Committee.