Dalamar the Dark
Dragonlance Classics, Vol. 2
Wizards of the Coast
January 2000
ISBN: 078691565X
Excerpt [offsite link to PDF file at WotC]
The Inheritance
Dragonlance Classics
Wizards of the Coast
May 2001
ISBN: 0786918616
Excerpt [offsite link to PDF file at WotC]
Tears of the Night Sky
Dragonlance Chaos Wars, Volume Two
Wizards of the Coast
October 1998
ISBN: 0786911859
Dragonlance Heroes, Volume Two
TSR Hobbies, Inc.
September 1988
ISBN: 0880385979
An Excerpt from Stormblade
As the bard hears, faint but clear, the elusive melody and secret harmonies of the song he was given his voice to sing, as the storyteller knows, deep within his bones, the words and silences of the tale he was born to tell, so the dwarf Isarn Hammerfell knew that Stormblade was the reason he had come to swordcrafting. The sword would be his masterblade and stood, almost seen, behind every blade he made, waiting patienty for its birth.
Copyright © 1988, TSR, Inc.