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If Wishes Were Retail

Alex Delmore wants out of her dead-end suburban town, but her parents are broke, her brother is an idiot, and NYU seems like a distant dream. Good thing there’s a genie in town—and he’s hiring at the Wellspring Mall.

One Level Down

Trapped in a child’s body, a resourceful woman risks death by deletion from a simulated world. With her debut novella for adults, Thompson has crafted a taut, ultimately hopeful story that deftly explores identity and autonomy.

Teramar: Beasts of the Field

Set in NYC and a fictional feudal planet, this novel tempts the feral temperament of Internet connoisseurs with a lubricious story that puts the R back into romance. Alas, an AI’s effort to participate here flashes like a horror show throughout.

Sleeping Worlds Have No Memory

A science-fantasy-noir novel inspired by the Nebula-nominated “Tower of Mud and Straw.” Towers, politics, alternate worlds. Kirkus called it “mind-expanding” in a starred review; Daily Mail, “a towering achievement and a genre-busting tour de force.”