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Featured Members

Nathan Lowell

Nathan Lowell has been a full time SF/F fan since before there was a space program and a full time novelist since 2012.

Brian K. Lowe

Brian K. Lowe is the author of the Stolen Future trilogy, the adventures of a 20th Century soldier trapped in the far future, hunted by those who want the secret of time travel. He has also written a primer on securities fraud for average investors.

Andrew M. Seddon

“Ring of Time,” “The DeathCats of Asa’ican and Other Tales of a Space-Vet,” and “Wreaths of Empire” are Andrew M. Seddon’s latest science fiction novels all published by Splashdown Books. He’s currently working on a series of ghost stories.

Sharon Joss

Sharon Joss writes science fiction, fantasy and horror. She is the 2015 Writers of the Future Golden Pen award winner, a finalist for the Canopus Award, and author of 5 novels, including her latest thriller, Steam Dogs. She lives and writes in Oregon.

Rob Dircks

Rob Dircks is author and narrator of the bestselling science fiction comedy novel Where the Hell is Tesla? This debut novel has already hit Amazon’s #1 for Time Travel, and Audible #8 Overall Audiobook Bestsellers List. Get in touch at RobDircks.com.

Michael R. Underwood

Michael writes across the speculative fiction world, from urban fantasy (Geekomancy), to fantasy superhero novel Shield and Crocus, and the SF series in novellas, Genrenauts. He is a co-host on podcasts The Skiffy & Fanty Show and Speculate.

Bishop O’Connell

Bishop O’Connell is the author of the American Faerie Tale series, a consultant, writer, blogger, lover of kilts, and beer, pirate ninja, and maker-upper of things. His book, The Stolen, launched the Harper Voyager Impulse imprint.

Edward M. Lerner

Edward M. Lerner worked in high tech for 30 years, supporting (among many) NASA, the DoD, and the FBI. When not prospecting beneath his sofa cushions for small change for his first spaceflight, he now writes SF, technothrillers, and popular science.

Christine Taylor-Butler

An MIT trained civil engineer with a second degree in Art & Design, Christine decided writing was a higher calling. After 75 published books, she sold her first young adult series, The Lost Tribes. She lives in Kansas City and is working on book 2.

Sarina Dorie

Sarina Dorie has sold over eighty-five short stories to markets like Daily Science Fiction, Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Orson Scott Card’s IGMS, and Cosmos. Her novels include: SILENT MOON, DAWN OF THE MORNING STAR, and URBAN CHANGELING.