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Featured Members

Deborah J. Ross

Deborah J. Ross is a former SFWA Secretary and member of Book View Cafe. Recent work includes THUNDERLORD, Lambda Finalist COLLABORATORS, and THE SEVEN-PETALED SHIELD trilogy, and stories in F & SF, Asimov’s, and Star Wars: Tales from Jabba’s Palace.

Greg Dragon

Greg Dragon brings a fresh perspective to fiction by telling human stories of life, love, and relationships in a science fiction setting.

Jeffrey A. Carver

Jeffrey A. Carver has written numerous SF novels, including The Chaos Chronicles and Eternity’s End, set in his Star Rigger Universe. His greatest loves in writing are character, story, and a healthy sense of wonder. He lives in the Boston area.

Alex Shvartsman

Alex is a writer, translator, & editor from Brooklyn, NY. Over 120 of his short stories have appeared in Analog, Nature, Strange Horizons, and other venues. His debut novel, Eridani’s Crown, is forthcoming in October 2019 from UFO Publishing.

Carol Berg

Carol Berg writes of warriors who battle demons inside souls, artists whose portraits reflect truth, musicians who sing visions, librarians who have past lives, and as Cate Glass, a team of sorcerer spies. She won the 2009 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award.

M. Darusha Wehm

M. Darusha Wehm is the Nebula-nominated author of the interactive fiction game The Martian Job, seven science fiction novels, several poems, and many short stories. Originally from Canada, Darusha currently lives in Wellington, New Zealand.

J.D. Lakey

J.D. Lakey is the author the Black Bead Chronicles (winner of Winner of IBPA’s Benjamin Franklin digital award), and Taurok’s Vengeance (2018 B.R.A.G. medallion winner). Readers love her lyrical writing style and expertly-crafted worlds.

N. J. Schrock

Incense Rising is N. J. Schrock’s debut novel. She spent 25 years in corporate R&D before going back to school to earn her master’s degree in English. Now, Schrock writes and teaches chemistry and English classes at the University of West Florida.

Lou Antonelli

Lou Antonelli a full-time journalist and owner of The Clarksville (Tx.) Times. He was a finalist for the Sidewise and Dragon awards (both in alternate history) and the Hugos (twice). He’s authored 124 short stories, five collections, and one novel.

Jonathan Brazee

Jonathan is a retired Marine infantry colonel, now a full-time writer living in North Las Vegas with Kiwi and three rescue cats. A hybrid writer, he has 55 titles published and was a 2017 Nebula Finalist with his novelette, “Weaponized Math.”