Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

Happy Holidays!

Writer Beware is taking time off for the holidays. Unless there’s some especially major publishing news, look for us to be back after January 1.Victoria will still be answering email. Contact her at beware [at] We wish all our readers peace…

SFWA at Midwinter ALA

As mentioned earlier this year, SFWA will have a table at the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting and Exhibits, January 24-28, 2014, in Philadelphia, PA. Participation in this event will offer members access to librarians, teachers, bloggers and reviewers. We will be taking materials to display at the table. We are now looking for members who are interested […]

Lit Fic Mags for Spec Fic Writers 103: Five Markets to Consider (and Two Databases to Bookmark)

by Caren Gussoff Note: Part One appears here: Lit Fic Mags for Spec Fic Writers 101. Part Two appears here: Lit Fic Mags for Spec Fic Writers 102: Is It Literary? ••• Now, you’ve decided to submit to a literary market for a particular story. You’re hip to the fundamental differences between lit mags and SFF mags […]

Lit Fic Mags for Spec Fic Writers 102: Is it Literary?

by Caren Gussoff Note: Part One appears here: Lit Fic Mags for Spec Fic Writers 101 This may seem totally obvious, but is actually worth a deeper dive: if you want to market your speculative fiction to literary markets, it has to be significantly literary. Literary markets, though they may protest that they do not like/accept/read […]

SFWA Announces Special Bulletin Issue

In June, the SFWA Board announced the suspension of the SFWA Bulletin, allowing time to update our official publication’s distribution, content, and process. Over the past months, we have surveyed the membership, asking them what they see as the future of the Bulletin.