In Memoriam: Sir Terry Pratchett
DEATH has come for the humorist. Sir Terry Pratchett (b.1948) died on March 12 surrounded by his family. Pratchett had been suffering from Alzheimer’s for several years.
DEATH has come for the humorist. Sir Terry Pratchett (b.1948) died on March 12 surrounded by his family. Pratchett had been suffering from Alzheimer’s for several years.
Any time a science fiction movie is released to the big screen, I see complaints about how science is depicted. Films such as Gravity, Interstellar, and Prometheus come to mind. They show things on screen that don’t line up with reality. While there should be some allowance given for audience expectations (a lack of sound […]
SFWA is looking to convene a Norton jury for the 2015 award.
“The Schrödinger Sessions: Science for Science Fiction” a workshop at the Joint Quantum Institute (a combined initiative of the University of Maryland, College Park and NIST in Gaithersburg) is a three-day “crash course” in quantum physics for science fiction writers.
by Mary Robinette Kowal
A lot of writers have a goal of being a full time writer. I think there’s this image of your life continuing exactly as it is, except that now your job is writing. Sure, you know you won’t go into an office, but it will be so nice to have no demands on your time, except writing.
SFWA is pleased to award Larry Niven the Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award, one of SFWA’s highest honors, for his invaluable contributions to the field of science fiction and fantasy.
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America are pleased to announce the nominees for the 2014 Nebula Awards (presented 2015), nominees for the Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation, and nominees for the Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy.
The American Name Society, which promotes onomastics–the study of names and naming practices–will be devoting a special issue of its linguistics journal, NAMES, to the subject of Naming in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.
by Daniel H. Wilson & John Joseph Adams
It’s no secret that writing short stories usually isn’t very lucrative. A five-thousand-word piece that you labor over for two weeks (and fiddle with for two months beyond that) will maybe net you enough dough to make a small part of one mortgage payment.
On Saturday, February 21st at 8PM, the Baltimore Science Fiction Society, located at 3310 East Baltimore Street, will host its annual “State of Short Fiction Roundtable.”