Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

Nebula Nominations Open

Nominations are now open for the 2015 Nebula Awards. All Active and Associate members of SFWA are eligible to nominate. The nomination period closes February 15. For more information about the Nebula Awards, please contact the Nebula Awards Commissioner at

Back Story: The Accessibility Guidelines Checklist

by Lee Martindale, SFWA Director-at-Large It’s no stretch of the imagination to say that I take accessibility issues personally. I’ve been running into them since I became a paraplegic in 1991 and dealing with them in SF convention settings since my first guest writer gig in 1994. Over the course of more than three hundred […]

Taking the Long View

Come the beginning of my pro career, in the early Eighties, women were discouraged from writing science fiction. (Hard, muscular SF was for boys.) Fantasy was deemed more appropriate, being so much softer and “easier,” or so one was told, and frankly it sold better. And here I had this monster of a thing that could best be called science fantasy—mages with space ships. And empire, of course. Must have empire.