Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

Non-English Markets Near and Far

by Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

There are lots of reasons to submit to publications in non-English speaking countries. Let me start of with a dose of honesty: money isn’t one of them. And yet, they are one of my favourite markets to tackle.

New Humble Bundle Supports SFWA

Update: Time is running out! The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America is pleased to announce that Humble Bundle supports SFWA’s Givers Fund in their newest  Book Bundle. The bundle is available until December 9th, 2015. Titles include: Ad Astra: The 50th Anniversary SFWA Cookbook Warrior Women The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2015 Witches: Wicked, […]

Endeavour Award Announced

News from Orycon: The final collection of stories by the late Portland writer, Jay Lake, “Last Plane to Heaven,” (Tor) won the 2015 Endeavour Award Friday night at OryCon, Oregon’s major science fiction convention.  The 2015 Award is the 16th Endeavour Award.  Lake died in June 2014 following a fight with cancer. The Award comes with an […]

A Strange Relationship

by Brian Clegg

It’s obvious that science fiction is influenced by science. The clue’s in the name. But there is without doubt a counter effect where science fiction has stamped its presence on the scientific world.