Help a Young Writer
The Alpha SF/F/H Workshop For Young Writers is running a scholarship drive February 16-23. Make a tax-deductible donation to change a teen writer’s life.
The Alpha SF/F/H Workshop For Young Writers is running a scholarship drive February 16-23. Make a tax-deductible donation to change a teen writer’s life.
The judges for the 2016 World Fantasy Awards, for work published in 2015, have now been empanelled. They are: Laird Barron, Rani Graff, Elaine Isaak, Kay Kenyon, and Konrad Walewski. The judges read and consider eligible materials between the date of this letter and June 1, 2016.
The five Philip K. Dick Award judges for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original format in the United States in the 2016 award year are: Michael Armstrong, Brenda Clough, Meg Elison, Lee Konstantinou and Ben Winters.
by Yoon Ha Lee
I used to say that I learned most of what I knew about writing from Jon Gindick’s “Country and Blues Harmonica for the Musically Hopeless.” While not quite true, I do find it useful to apply principles from music and musical composition to writing fiction.
The SFWA Blog is now offering monthly market updates. Here’s the February, 2016 report: Deadlines and Closures to Note: Original/reprint market Altered States II: A Cyberpunk Anthology ($10/story via PayPal after publication) has changed its deadline; they are now open until filled. The Angry Robot Books and Gollancz open reading periods for unagented submissions have closed. Bundoran Press […]
“Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin” is the first feature documentary film about Ursula K. Le Guin, a singular writer who defiantly held her ground on the frontier of American letters until the sheer excellence of her work, at long last, forced the mainstream to embrace fantastic literature.
Five finalists for the LFS 2016 Hall of Fame Award have been announced. The awards are given in recognition of a classic work of science fiction or fantasy with libertarian themes.
The Libertarian Futurist Society has decided to present a Special Prometheus Award for lifetime achievement to L. Neil Smith.
The Los Angeles-based arts nonprofit Clockshop announces the launch of Radio Imagination, a citywide collaboration of artistic and public programs that celebrate the life and work of Pasadena science fiction writer Octavia E. Butler (1947–2006).
Will sales in writing SF/F games qualify writers for membership in SFWA? In the upcoming SFWA election, Active and Lifetime members will have the chance to vote on the matter.