SFWA Chat Hour Episode 2
Info about the organization’s new member experience, game writer criteria, the state of SFWA finances, volunteer opportunities, Worldcon plans, the 2017 Nebulas, awards for anthologies, what they’re reading, and more.
Info about the organization’s new member experience, game writer criteria, the state of SFWA finances, volunteer opportunities, Worldcon plans, the 2017 Nebulas, awards for anthologies, what they’re reading, and more.
by Setsu Uzumé
In announcing a new award at her Guest of Honor speech at Wiscon 40, Nalo Hopkinson asked, “What are we doing to foster joy and welcome to this community? What are we doing to cultivate its health and vibrancy? What are we doing to create an environment in which imperfect people (as all people are) can feel encouraged and supported to take the risk of a misstep, perhaps learn from it, and come back refocused and re-energized, eager to try again? “
by Aidan Doyle
Text expansion tools are a way to save time by using shortcuts for text you commonly type. For example, on my computer I type -em and it’s automatically replaced by my email address. When submitting short stories I have a standard cover letter template. I type -pubs and modify the template according to the market. If you’re an editor sending many similar emails, text expansion tools can save you a lot of time.
Welcome to the the first episode of the biweekly SFWA Chat Hour.
Today’s episode features Cat Rambo, M.C.A. Hogarth, and Kate Baker discussing the recent Nebula conference weekend, current SFWA efforts, and what’s coming in 2016.
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America announce the members of the jury for the 2016 Andre Norton Award. Throughout the coming year, the jury will be compiling its list of picks for the Norton Award. This year for the first time, SFWA will release a Norton Honor list of the top 15-20 books […]
by John Joseph Adams
Imagine you’re a reader who doesn’t know most of the authors in the anthology you just picked up, or you see someone talking on social media about a cool story they just read. Are you more likely to read—absent of all other meaningful context or data—a story called “Alien” or one called “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream”?
by Cat Rambo, SFWA President
What was it like? Like getting to co-host at one of the most awesome weekend-long parties ever, but one with all sorts of interesting conversations full of stuff that was genuinely useful to my career interspersed at intervals.
by Kate Baker
I have one of the best jobs in the world. As Director of Operations for SFWA, I get to be a part of a wonderful organization that aims to help and protect industry professionals. I also get to meet our talented members and help plan the SFWA Nebula conference. With a fantastic events team consisting of Steven H Silver, Terra LeMay, and all the volunteers who step up to lend their time and expertise to the event, we were all excited as the event quickly approached.
SFWA is pleased to announce the winners of the 2015 Nebula Awards (presented 2016), the winner of the Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation, and the winner of the Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy.
At Storybundle.com, you the reader name your price—whatever you feel the books are worth. You may designate a portion of the proceeds to go to a charity. For the Story Collection Storybundle, that’s Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.