Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

Paying Your Bills with Copywriting

by Joshua Sky

Writing is fun, but it can also be a tough way to make a living. The wait times for checks can be a drag, and the dry spells between one sale to another can be Saharan. Even if a sale is made, too often the money can be nominal. However, an avenue in the field where writers can potentially make a comfortable living, while working on their passion projects, is copywriting, also known as writing for advertising.

Recommended Reads: Fantasy Romance

by Jeffe Kennedy

Putting together a list of recommended reads in Fantasy Romance posed some interesting challenges. First off, the subgenre straddles two very large genres, both with long traditions and much-loved tropes. It’s also a fairly new subgenre. Scattered examples that are arguably Fantasy Romance can be identified from decades ago, but they were often shelved in other subgenres.

New Statuette for the World Fantasy Award

The World Fantasy Awards Administration and the Board of the World Fantasy Convention are delighted to announce that a new design has been chosen for the World Fantasy Award after a year-long public competition, which attracted a great many artists of extremely high caliber.

Vegan Road Warrior

by Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam

These days I’ve learned my lessons: I study up on vegan restaurants before going anywhere, particularly to SF conventions where I’ll be busy and tired and will have to squeeze in lunches when I can.