Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

Call For Grants 2024

Last year the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association provided over $24,000 in grants to deserving genre-related programs as part of our ongoing benevolent program. Recipients have included: the LaunchPad Astronomy program; Alpha, the science fiction, fantasy, and horror workshop for young writers; the African Speculative Fiction Society; a Philadelphia reading series; and others. SFWA […]

SFWA Market Report For August

Welcome to the August edition of the SFWA Pro-rate Market Report. Please note: Inclusion of any market in the report below does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA. NEW MARKETS Mother of Invention OPENING MARKETS Arsenika Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores Deep Magic Pseudopod Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide Series TEMPORARILY CLOSING MARKETS Aliterate Diabolical Plots […]

Vote for the Second Annual Dragon Awards

Fans can register to vote for the second annual Dragon Awards until Sunday, August 28th at 11:59PM (EDT).

The awards are “by the fans, for the fans, and are your chance to reward those who have made real contributions to SF, books, games, comics, and shows.”

Tools for Online Collaboration

by Stewart C Baker

In the past decade, web-based applications have really come into their own. This is great for authors, because it makes collaborating much easier, especially when your co-author doesn’t live nearby. The tools in this list run the gamut from online chat software to fully-fledged cloud-based authoring software. And, of course, many of them can be wonderful productivity boosters for solo authors, too.

10 Things I Learned While I Was A Director-At-Large for SFWA

by Jennifer Brozek

As of 1 July 2017, I stepped down from a two year stint as a Director-At-Large for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA). My term was up and I chose not to run again (this time) due to life happening around me. I learned so much from the organization and from the other Directors themselves. I also learned a lot from the SFWA membership through the lens of a board member. To make things easy on me, I’ve distilled it all into the 10 Things I Learned While I Was A Director-At-Large for SFWA.

Teaching Stuff: It’s About the Mystery …

by Richard J. Chwedyk

I have my students do some exercises where they utilize stories about recent scientific/technological developments as a basis for fiction. We call it “NOT a Science Project.” I’m always amazed at how well some of them do their homework, and how often a simple exercise becomes the basis for a final project.