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Check out SFWA’s latest charity auction on ebay.
Welcome to the January edition of the SFWA Market Report.
By Christine Feehan
Consider vampires. You likely already have ideas or beliefs about the rules of writing vampires. They must drink blood to survive. They must stay out of the sunlight. They are immortal. We all have these parameters that we feel make up what vampires can or cannot do. But when you write fiction, you can make up any rules you like, right?
Yes and no.
By Nancy Jane Moore
Here are a few ideas about how different body types affect fighting gleaned from my thirty-eight years in martial arts.
Beginning this year, bestselling author George R. R. Martin is funding a scholarship for an Odyssey student. The Miskatonic Scholarship will be awarded to a promising writer of Lovecraftian cosmic horror.
by Paul Jessup
It will probably happen to you. Almost every career for a professional writer hits a snag at some point. Usually after a huge burst of activity and a feeling of momentum, of going somewhere. It comes out of nowhere, out of left field.
Welcome to the December edition of the SFWA Market Report. Please note: Inclusion of any market in the report below does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA.
Looking for the perfect gift for the book-lovers in your life? Want to do good for SFWA while you’re completing your holiday shopping? Check out SFWA’s Charity Auctions on Ebay.
by Jessi Cole Jackson Before delving in, I want to recognize that for many (myself included) fat is a loaded term, with years of abuse attached to it. I use it because it’s not twee or gendered and it does not reduce identity to a specific set of numbers. Also because I want to take […]
by Amber Massey
There’s a zen phrase that asks, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” For writers, here’s a different question: If you write a story and no one is able to read it, have you really told it? Typography and fonts have a big impact on readability.