Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

Short Stories as an End Goal

by Holly Schofield As a published writer beginning to get some attention, I hear it over and over: How many books have you written?  Are your short stories set in the world of your novel?  When will you advance beyond short stories and level up to a novel?  Don’t you want to be a real […]

SFWA Market Report For April

Welcome to the April edition of the SFWA Market Report. Please note: Inclusion of any market in the report below does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA. New Markets Africa Risen Blood Knife The Needle Drops… Anthology Series Currently Open Al Blanchard Award Analog Science Fiction & Fact Apex Magazine Asimov’s Science Fiction Beneath […]

What Communities Can Do

by Aigner Loren Wilson Like many writers, when I first started out writing speculative fiction, I felt lost when it came to who to talk to or where to “hang out” with the other cool kids. I knew there were speculative fiction communities out there, ones that were even open and welcoming to little ol’ […]

Institutions Are the AIs Your Mother Warned You About

by Navarre Bartz   If you pick up a book or movie about Artificial Intelligence (AI), there’s a good chance you’ll find a story where robots or AI have subjugated humanity. The Terminator, the robots in The Matrix, and the Borg all strike fear into our hearts because they lack humanity. The cold, calculating logic […]

SFWA Market Report For March

Welcome to the March edition of the SFWA Market Report. Please note: Inclusion of any market in the report below does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA. New Markets Darkness Blooms Orion’s Belt Currently Open Al Blanchard Award Analog Science Fiction & Fact Apex Magazine Asimov’s Science Fiction Augur(Recently Opened) Beneath Ceaseless Skies Clarkesworld […]

Storytelling in Speculative Fiction Reveals a Buried History

by L.A. Young Humanity tends to bury whatever history those in charge deem “inappropriate” or “pointless” for posterity. However, this erasure was only effective on the written word. Oral tradition allowed many civilizations and societies to pass down these stories from generation to generation. As modernity brought more education, historians and scholars uncovered some of […]

SFWA Market Report For January/February

Welcome to the January/February edition of the SFWA Market Report. Please note: Inclusion of any market in the report below does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA. New Markets It Gets Even Better Mermaids Monthly Mike Resnick Memorial Award for Short Fiction Out There: Into the Queer New Yonder Upon a Twice Time Currently […]