Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

SFWA Market Report—April 2022

Welcome to the April edition of the SFWA Market Report. Please note: Inclusion of any market in the report below does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA. The markets included on this list all pay at least $0.08/word in at least one length-category of fiction. New Markets Bioluminescent: A Lunarpunk Anthology riddlebird Southeast Asian […]

The Exophonic Writer’s Journey

By Renan Bernardo In the second century A.D., Lucian of Samosata wrote A True Story, a tale of space trips and alien life-forms. His first language was Syriac, but to reach the people of Athens, he wrote the tale in Attic Greek. Since then (and probably before), speculative fiction has been written by exophonic(1) writers […]

In Memoriam: Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson (October 4, 1956–March 17, 2022) began publishing science fiction in 1977 with the story “Stormfall,” which appeared in Kate Wilhelm’s anthology Clarion SF. Over the years, he published around 30 stories. His 1997 story “We Will Drink a Fish Together” earned him the Hugo Award for Best Novelette and an Asimov’s Readers’ Poll […]

Finding Me: Towards Self-Actualization in Writing

By Eugen Bacon I read Maurice Broaddus’s “Black Joy and Afrofuturism for Young Readers,” which heartens us to be present, fully and joyfully, not just for ourselves but for our children, our new adults, and our future generations. He dares that we find unapology for being, that ours becomes an everyday commitment to a joyful […]

ROMANCING SCI-FI & FANTASY: I See Romance…Everywhere!

by Alexia Chantel Editor’s note: This is the first installment in a new SFWA Blog series, Romancing Sci-Fi & Fantasy, from our Romance Committee! Expect new posts in this series in the coming months. Science fiction and fantasy (SFF) are epic magpies. Our genres borrow bits and pieces from all the other ones and add […]

SFWA Market Report—March 2022

Welcome to the March edition of the SFWA Market Report. Please note: Inclusion of any market in the report below does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA. The markets included on this list all pay at least $0.08/word in at least one length-category of fiction. New Markets Cyberpunk-Solarpunk Anthology First Peoples Myths and Tales […]