Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category


The finalists for 2009 Endeavor Award are: “Anathem” by Seattle, WA, writer Neal Stephenson; “Ill Met in the Arena” by Dave Duncan, who lives in Victoria, BC; “Long Walks, Last Flights and Other Stories” by Ranier, OR, SFWA Member Ken Scholes, “Space Magic” by SFWA Member David Levine of Portland, OR; and “A World Too Near” by SFWA Member Kay Kenyon, of Wenatchee, WA.

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter photos

Phil Plait, of the famed Bad Astronomy blog, points out the first of the photos from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. They are a Science Fiction writer’s equivalent of space porn. Sleek, sexy photos loaded with details. As Phil says, “That’s like looking out your airplane window… if you were over the frakking Moon!”