Amazon Kindle Contract Review and Annotation (2009)
This .pdf document is an annotation of the Amazon Kindle contract as it was posted on Amazon’s Web site (downloaded in February, 2008).
This .pdf document is an annotation of the Amazon Kindle contract as it was posted on Amazon’s Web site (downloaded in February, 2008).
Montreal – There will indeed be a writers’ workshop at Anticipation 2009, Worldcon, in Montreal this August. The workshop sessions are two hours long and scheduled at various times on various days. SFWA members participating as workshop leaders include: Delia Sherman, Mary Robinette Kowal, Catheryne Valente, Mike Shepherd Moscoe, Rich Chwedyk, Lawrence Schoen, David Levine, Nancy Kress, Tony Pi, as well as others.
Today the board of directors of SFWA unanimously voted to add Apex Magazine to the list of SFWA qualifying markets. When Apex moved online in June of 2008, one of editor Jason Sizemore’s reasons was to be able to pay his authors SFWA pro-rates and to get them a wider audience.
The finalists for 2009 Endeavor Award are: “Anathem” by Seattle, WA, writer Neal Stephenson; “Ill Met in the Arena” by Dave Duncan, who lives in Victoria, BC; “Long Walks, Last Flights and Other Stories” by Ranier, OR, SFWA Member Ken Scholes, “Space Magic” by SFWA Member David Levine of Portland, OR; and “A World Too Near” by SFWA Member Kay Kenyon, of Wenatchee, WA.
Having trouble “confessing” your problems? Michael Bracken, author of several confessional stories, offers a few tidbits of advice.
Anticipation, the 67th Worldcon, will be held from August 6th – 10th in Montreal. SFWA is looking for volunteers to help out in three different areas.
The Dealer’s Room, Autographing, and the SFWA suite.
One of the things that bothers me sometimes when looking at world-building is the way people don’t think about where objects come from. What is the industry that fuels the region? Where does all that paper come from in Battlestar Galactica? So this essay on the origins of a pencil tickles me no end, and […]
We’ve been following the Google Book Search Settlement closely. Today, PCWorld reports that the U.S. Department of Justice has confirmed that it is investigating possible antitrust violations by the Google Book Search settlement.
Phil Plait, of the famed Bad Astronomy blog, points out the first of the photos from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. They are a Science Fiction writer’s equivalent of space porn. Sleek, sexy photos loaded with details. As Phil says, “That’s like looking out your airplane window… if you were over the frakking Moon!”
Our sister site, Nebula Awards has an interview with Cory Doctorow up right now about his book Little Brother, which was nominated for a Nebula award this year. In the interview he talks about what it’s like to write for Young Adult audiences.