Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

SFWA elections: Ask the candidates questions

Now that SFWA Active members have received their election ballots, remember that you can ask the candidates questions in the Discussion Forums. Since we have some contested elections this year, make sure you participate in the process. Though only active members may vote, any SFWA member may ask questions.

Reading Aloud: Cross-gender Voices

Cross-gender voices are a tricky business. Even if you can really do a convincing cross-gender voice–and I know folks who can–the fact is that in a live reading, the audience knows that there’s only one person doing all the voices. There are two ways cross-gender voices can throw people out of listening. It’s really bad, and embarrassing, or it’s really good and shocking that a female voice is coming out of a man’s mouth. Either way, the listener drops the story for a moment.