Quick Updates for 2010-04-22
Member news for Matthew Johnson, Will Ludwigsen, Ellen Kushner, Blake Charlton, David D. Levine, and Athena Andreadis!
Member news for Matthew Johnson, Will Ludwigsen, Ellen Kushner, Blake Charlton, David D. Levine, and Athena Andreadis!
For the first time, the Nebula Awards Ceremony will be streamed on the internet so those unable to attend may watch the event in real time on May 15th. Watch the SFWA website for details, but now we want to turn your attention to a special opportunity for those in the New York City area. […]
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Carol Pinchefsky, Paolo Bacigalupi, Brenda Cooper, and David Macinnis Gill!
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Paolo Bacigalupi, Leanna Renee Hieber, Ted Kosmatka, Shiloh Walker, Victoria Strauss, Monica Valentinell, John Scalzi, Juliette Wade, Ekaterina Sedia, Lori Devoti, David Levine, Jay Lake, Lisa Mantchev, Saladin Ahmed, Andrew Burt, and Leah Cypess!
There’s been a bit of attention paid lately in the blogosphere to the “promotional” antics of everyone’s favorite author mill, PublishAmerica. As with other author mills, PA endeavors to turn its authors into customers.
Monica Valentinelli talks about what it means to write non-fiction for the web versus writing for a print publication like a magazine.
In the Ethicist column last week in the New York Times, Randy Cohen addressed the question, “Are illegal downloads immoral if you already own a physical copy of the book?”
“Tools for the Toolbox” is a series of posts that describe disease types and organ systems. Eventually I hope to include enough information that a writer might be able to do some creative mixing and matching to produce the symptoms they want to give a character. Because it’s really frustrating to throw darts in the dark and hope something lands near the bull’s-eye. Hope it helps!
Member news for Kacey Grannis, Seanan Mcguire, Paul Levinson, Elizabeth Bear, Jay Lake, Glenn Lewis Gillette, Ari Marmell, Skyler White, Allan Cole, Toni L. P. Kelner, Rosemary Jones, and Paul Cornell!
As the election season winds to a close, we’d like to encourage SFWA members to ask the candidates questions in the Discussion Forums. Since we have some contested elections this year, make sure you participate in the process.