Quick Updates for 2010-05-23
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Robinson Wells, Meghan McCarron, Erin Kellison, Carrie Harris, Eugie Foster, Norman Spinrad, Malcolm Edwards, and N.K. Jemisin!
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Robinson Wells, Meghan McCarron, Erin Kellison, Carrie Harris, Eugie Foster, Norman Spinrad, Malcolm Edwards, and N.K. Jemisin!
If you weren’t able to attend the Nebula Awards Weekend or want to relive the moment, Keith Stokes has posted photos of the weekend at the Midamerican Fan Photo Archive. Keith was the recipient of a Service to SFWA award this weekend and that’s just one of the many reasons he earned it. Also, SFWA […]
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Joe Haldeman, China Miéville, Dan Abnett, Gwynne Garfinkle, Sharon Lee, Steve Miller, and Norman Spinrad.
Former SFWA president Norman Spinrad has been battling stomach cancer for some time now. This Thursday he goes in for surgery to try to remove the mass of tumors blocking his stomach. In his words, “If nothing is done, this is a slow death by starvation.”
Winners of the 2010 SFWA election are.
President: John Scalzi (208)
Vice President: Mary Robinette Kowal (207)
Secretary: Robert J. Howe (163)
Treasurer’s race: Amy Casil Sterling (151)
South/Central Regional Director: Lee Martindale (62)
Overseas Regional Director: Sean Williams (10)
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for John Scalzi, Mary Robinette Kowal, Sean Williams, Lee Martindale, and Robert Howe!
COCOA BEACH, Fla. – Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Inc., has announced the Nebula Awards® winners for 2009. The Nebula Awards® are voted on, and presented by, active members of SFWA. The awards were announced at the Nebula Awards® Banquet held at the Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront the evening of May 15. 2009 […]
As of 7:30 AM, everything’s go for the 2:20 PM launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis and our plans to view the launch. The SFWA buses to the launch will be in front of the Hilton, along with buses from several other groups. The SFWA buses will be clearly marked. There may be a shortage of […]
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Mary Robinette Kowal, Matthew S. Rotundo, and Eugie Foster!
For the first time ever, one of the premier awards in science fiction will be streamed live on the Web. This Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 7:00 pm EDT The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America will showcase the Nebula Awards Ceremony. Watch in real time as the best science fiction and fantasy for […]