Archive for the ‘SFWA Blog’ Category

Quick Updates for 2010-07-20

Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Bruce Cordell, James P. Hogan, John Joseph Adams, Ann K. Schwader, Arinn Cirulis, Edward M. Lerner, Mary Robinette Kowal, Justin Achilli, Norman Spinrad, Gareth L Powell, and Holly Black!

A Note to SFWA Members Regarding Night Shade Books

Dear SFWA members: This week, we became aware of three recent instances of Night Shade Books acting against the contractual and legal interest of authors, specifically by not reporting royalties when contractually specified or reporting them inaccurately and/or distributing books in a medium for which it had not legally secured rights. Night Shade does not […]

SFWA Email Service Changing

On July 1, we changed the backend email service for emails ending in ‘’. Any email that no longer matches up with an account should already end up in my inbox but if you have sent an email and haven’t received a response or it was returned to you, please send it to me at […]

A moment of appreciation for Paul Melko

As Scalzi has already said, Russell and Michael have been phenomenal and highly visible. Paul Melko has been quiet, efficient and always there when I needed him. He’s put in three years as the South Central regional director in addition to time with Griefcom and maintaining his own writing career. His voice on the board […]