Quick Updates for 2010-09-02
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Lou Antonelli, Greg Bossert, M.K. Hobson, Sean Williams, and Mary Robinette Kowal!
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Lou Antonelli, Greg Bossert, M.K. Hobson, Sean Williams, and Mary Robinette Kowal!
An important part of developing as a writer is learning when to trust your voice, and how to tell the difference between trusting your vision and being stubborn about something that doesn’t work.
A few years back, I was hit with an emotional blow so fierce that it stunned every aspect of my life. I was numb, in a state of confusion, and alone. The details are private, but my recovery answered for me a question often asked in genre circles: What is the value of “escapism” in fiction? Is it a value at all?
With the release of her five book Marq’ssan Cycle, beginning in 2005, L. Timmel DuChamp has gained a reputation for fierce, uncompromisingly feminist writing of the same kind that has marked her short story appearances in places such as Asimov’s and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
We use language every day. It’s our tool, our medium, our art. However, even the most experienced and confident writer runs into an occasional grammatical snag (lie or lay?).
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for David D. Levine, Vera Nazarian, and Harry Connolly!
When I consider trying to maintain my writing and care for human children, my head boggles. Others have done it, wresting time and space while caring for family. I decided to ask a small panel of talented writers and fellow SFWA members about how they did it
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Jackie Kessler and Adam-Troy Castro!
If your current scrap of paper/sticky note/repeating-to-self to-do list system isn’t hacking it, you may be interested in checking out one of these 5 free task management tools.
While a great deal has been written about Cold War culture, very little has been written about post-Cold War culture as such, science fiction included. Part of it may be the lack of really significant, defining movements or innovations, at least since the cyberpunk of the 1980s.