Renovation: Book Drive
Renovation, the 2011 World Science Fiction Convention, has announced that Angry Robot, Tor Books and Baen Books are sending donations for a book drive to benefit public libraries in the Reno area.
Renovation, the 2011 World Science Fiction Convention, has announced that Angry Robot, Tor Books and Baen Books are sending donations for a book drive to benefit public libraries in the Reno area.
Direct contact from a publisher or agent should always be treated with caution, until research can determine whether the company or individual is reputable.
Write a lot. This is almost all I need to say, as nothing else matters without the constant practice of writing a lot. Write blog posts and letters, booklets and diatribes, letters to the editor and book reviews, love poems and short stories, novellas and manifestos. The sheer mass of your writing becomes the raw matter from which to chisel your voice.
The Speculative Literature Foundation (SLF) has announced that proposals for the Gulliver Travel Research Grant are being accepted from July 1st 2011 until September 30th 2011.
There’s been some Internet buzz over the past few days about an apparent scam in which an unknown individual, posing as agent Jodi Reamer of uber-agency Writers House, targeted an unsuspecting author with a fake representation offer, followed by a fake high-advance contract offer from a major publishing house, all in the space of a few hours.
Winning a foothold on other worlds whispers in our ears that we’re more than Picts or Serbs or Tongans: We’re humans. ~Carl Sagan, A Pale Blue Dot.
An interesting book or movie is one that cannot be taken apart and compartmentalized like that. If it can be summed up in a two sentence elevator pitch, then it does not have room to breathe.
So… You’ve wondered what this new social network is good for. Fair question. Google+ offers one thing that I think is amazing for writers and other creative types.
If you thought that Judge Denny Chin’s denial of the Google Book Settlement last March was the end of that story, you were wrong.
When publishing relationships go bad, the writing was often on the wall long before the author signed on the dotted line.