Odyssey Writing Workshops Announces Winter 2013 Online Classes
This year, Odyssey is offering three different online courses covering some of the most critical issues for developing writers.
This year, Odyssey is offering three different online courses covering some of the most critical issues for developing writers.
Ever wonder what it might be like to fall into a black hole?
You stare at the stark, white envelope for several moments, afraid to touch it, like it’s radioactive. That look your mail carrier wore as she handed over the day’s mail (…there but for the Grace of God…) suddenly makes sense.
A letter from the Internal Revenue Service. Nothing can ruin your day–or month–faster.
Query letters. Except for the synopsis, there’s no more dreaded task a writer has to undertake.
How to boil an entire book down to a short pitch that not only provides an accurate snapshot of the work, but makes a literary agent (or a publisher) want to see more?
On Saturday, October 27th, at 8 PM, the Baltimore Science Fiction Society (BSFS), located at 3310 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21224, will host a roundtable discussion by four professional female authors on the topic of “Fantastic Heroines of Sci-Fi and Fantasy.”
On the heels of several publishers’ secret settlement deal with Google in the long-running Google Books lawsuit, a judge has made a major ruling in another lawsuit over book scanning.
A secret story should be yours alone: about who you are, who you want to be. Who you believe yourself to be, under all the social conventions and expectations. Are you secretly a sorceress? A priestess?
National writers’ organizations representing authors of books in a variety of genres believe a secret deal between Google and major book publishers may encourage Google to digitize, use, and sell copyrighted books illegally.
It’s human nature to take the inexplicable things in life and try to make sense out of it. What are those eerie lights that dance around in the swamp at night?
Seven years ago, the Authors Guild and several major publishers (including McGraw Hill, Penguin, and John Wiley) filed suit against Google for its unauthorized scanning of in-copyright books.