I’m still following the news (and answering email), so I can at least share with you the publishing stories that caught my eye over the past week or so.
I’m still following the news (and answering email), so I can at least share with you the publishing stories that caught my eye over the past week or so.
Since I can’t tell why, for sure, a story was rejected, I keep submitting to places that meet my minimum requirements. When I run out of places, I put the story in a folder that’s labeled ‘stories I still believe in’ and I review it once in a while.
The “Lifeboat to the Stars” award honors the best work of science fiction of any length published in 2011 or 2012 contributing to an understanding of the benefits, means, and difficulties of interstellar travel.
For a couple of months now, I’ve been experimenting with using Dragon Dictate for writing, both fiction and nonfiction. In fact, I’m using it to write this post.
She’s Geeky is hosting a gathering on Seattle on April 26 & 27, 2013 at the Lake Washington Rowing Club.
In celebration of the legacy of Octavia E. Butler, Pacific Northwest writers Vonda N. McIntyre, Nisi Shawl, Dennis Y. Ginoza, Erik Owomoyela, Caren Gussoff, and Rashida Smith will read work inspired by their relationships with Octavia Butler, or stories included in Bloodchildren: Stories by the Octavia E. Butler Scholars.
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America have named Robert Silverberg as Toastmaster for the 48th Annual Nebula Awards Weekend, occurring May 17-19, 2013, in San Jose, California.
After continuing talks with Skyhorse/Start, SFWA is pleased that the companies have decided to adjust the royalty terms in their author agreement to be more in line with industry standards for Science Fiction and Fantasy
On the page and in the kitchen, author Steven Brust adds a dash of dramatic flair to his creations. To wit: his latest installment in the Vlad Taltos series, Tiassa; his collaboration with Skylar White, The Incrementalists; and the Hungarian fra diavolo recipe, below
Is book publicity necessary? In my mind: yes. Do you need a publicist? It depends! I’ve long felt that authors are small business owners; what publicity means to an author is going to vary widely depending upon the resources available.