A comprehensive bibliography about the best books on the market to hone your writing talent.
Archive for the ‘Information Center’ Category
The Complete Nobody’s Guide to Query Letters
Lynn Flewelling writes on the basics of query letters.
You and Your Characters
An article by James Patrick Kelly on writing stronger characters.
1998: The State of Publishing
Eleanor Wood’s 1998 State of Publishing speech given at the Nebula Awards weekend
Breaking Into Print: What Length Sells Best?
Article by Melisa Michaels on how to build a writing career.
1997: The State of Publishing
Eleanor Wood’s speech on the State of Publishing given at the 1997 Nebula Awards weekend
Making Monsters
An essay by James Patrick Kelly on the writing of his short story ‘Monsters’.
“Excuse Me, How Much Did It Cost You?”
An anti-scam handout by A. C. Crispin
Writerisms and other Sins: A Writer’s Shortcut to Stronger Writing
Writerisms describes overused and misused language. In more direct words: find ’em, root ’em out, and look at your prose without the underbrush.
Hardcore Critique Guidelines
Written by Amy Sterling Casil When we criticise work, we are commenting for the purposes of publishability, and our goal is to help authors to become publishable and published writers. For prose pieces, the following issues are critically important: Plot – does the action make sense? Is what is written moving the story forward? Sometimes, […]