Quick Updates for 2009-10-24
RT @BrandonSandrson: Ladies and Gentlemen, The Gathering Storm just broke into the top ten on Amazon. #TGS #
RT @BrandonSandrson: Ladies and Gentlemen, The Gathering Storm just broke into the top ten on Amazon. #TGS #
RT @BrandonSandrson: Ladies and Gentlemen, The Gathering Storm just broke into the top ten on Amazon. #TGS #
Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, Gregory Norman Bossert, whose story "The Union of Soil and Sky" will be… http://bit.ly/EoZbS # @JohnPicacio YAY! Congratulations! I know what calendar I'm getting for 2011. in reply to JohnPicacio # RT @jenniferbrozek: I was interviewed by Science Fiction and Other Oddysseys – http://bit.ly/1VNA6o # RT @nkjemisin: Cover letters […]
RT @GrayRinehart: RT @NCStateNews: Smaller, more energy-efficient computers? NC State may have found the key: http://bit.ly/2l3AEQ # RT @tordotcom: Steampunk Month Wallpaper Giveaway: Eric Freitas http://is.gd/4sB9w # @ginger_clark Ha! Why do people think you are lying? in reply to Ginger_Clark # @ginger_clark Ha! PH is significantly more affordable. Surprising, I know, but that+ handicap accessibility […]
@onlyladyknight Want to drop me a line? secretary@sfwa.org –Mary Robinette Kowal in reply to onlyladyknight #
Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Elizabeth Minogue, author of "The Prince." http://bit.ly/29UlpB #
Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Merrie Haskell. Check out "Huntswoman" at Strange Horizons. http://3.ly/Quu http://bit.ly/BYBOD # @fairmer Welcome to SFWA! in reply to fairmer #
Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Greg Benage, writing as Cameron Haley. http://www.cameronhaley.com # Wheatland Press asks for your help raising funds for an Indie bookstore owner whose house burned down. http://is.gd/4hNGM # RT @sfwa: Wheatland Press asks for your help raising funds for an Indie bookstore owner whose house burned down. http://is.gd/4hNGM # Welcome […]
Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Greg Benage, writing as Cameron Haley. http://www.cameronhaley.com # Wheatland Press asks for your help raising funds for an Indie bookstore owner whose house burned down. http://is.gd/4hNGM # RT @sfwa: Wheatland Press asks for your help raising funds for an Indie bookstore owner whose house burned down. http://is.gd/4hNGM # Welcome […]
Research Tool: Deep archive of WWI pictures, clearly labeled and sorted. http://3.ly/TGU (via @daniel_poeira) #