Archive for the ‘Excluded Categories’ Category

Quick Updates for 2009-11-22

@redrobinreader @melissablue13 We're aware of Thomas Nelson, but they've never been on our qualifying publishers list and wouldn't qualify. in reply to redrobinreader # @melissablue13 It's a mix of Writer Beware, volunteers and members. We have a contracts committee that reviews for industry standards. in reply to melissablue13 # @redrobinreader "Them?" being Thomas Nelson? Correct, […]

Quick Updates for 2009-11-16

Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Caroline M. Yoachim. Read her story "Tending the Mori Birds" at Fantasy…. # Today is the last day to buy a 2010 WFC membership at the reduced rate of $100. # Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member William T. Vandemark. Read "A Splash of Color" at […]

Quick Updates for 2009-11-09

Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Isamu Fukui and his novel "Truancy" from Tor…. # Market Update: Clarkesworld Magazine will be closed to short story submissions from December 1st through January 15th. # @onlyladyknight Congratulations! in reply to onlyladyknight # PSA Update: The possible case of H1N1 let us know that he was […]