Archive for the ‘Excluded Categories’ Category

Quick Updates for 2009-12-10

Hey there, SFWA members, I will admit to being under the gun on a deadline. If you have any news today, shoot me a DM so I can RT for you. # SFWA member @YasmineGalenorn hosts a month long pre-release party for the release of Bone Magic, her 7th Otherworld book. # Congratulations to […]

Quick Updates for 2009-12-08

@rosefox @nnedi The short name is a handy thing. in reply to rosefox # RT @victoriastrauss: The Atlantic will sell short fiction on the Kindle # RT @Pyr_Books: Huge Acquisitions Round Up: News about 14 novels acquired for Pyr: # RT @victoriastrauss: Lessons for 2day? How publishing survived the Great Depression (via […]

Quick Updates for 2009-11-25

RT @sfscope: SFWA receives authors, editors, and others at Planet Hollywood: lots of photos # RT @victoriastrauss: From PW, interesting article on small-press bookselling at genre conventions # Here's an interview with @jchutchins by @DanPatterson of ABC News Radio. # Research Tool: Wartime aerial photography archive online –Web User (via @ResearchBuzz) […]

Quick Updates for 2009-11-24

@Ginger_Clark Aroo? um… Planet Hollywood staff? Did you get a photo? in reply to Ginger_Clark # Hey there, happy party goers. If you took photos at the SFWA reception, post them in our flickr group. # @montsamu Fascinating. Ravens to writing desks is a good comparison there. Not sure I can respond in 140 […]