Archive for the ‘Excluded Categories’ Category

Quick Updates for 2009-12-25

RT @sfscope: World Fantasy Awards 2010 Judges Named: # Welcome to SFWA's 1200th Active member @charleneteglia author of "Wicked Hot!" # @CharleneTeglia I'm glad you just did it. Welcome to SFWA! in reply to CharleneTeglia # @laurenbeukes We'd love to have you whenever you can join. The economy sucks right now. in reply […]

Quick Updates for 2009-12-18

Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, Lou Berger! # RT @victoriastrauss: Thoughtful article from author Jason Pinter on social networking & the authorial mystique # RT @victoriastrauss: American Library Assn urges Justice Dept. 2 "actively supervise" Google Book Settlement # RT @victoriastrauss: French court finds Google guilty of copyright violation, orders it to […]

Quick Updates for 2009-12-18

Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, Lou Berger! # RT @victoriastrauss: Thoughtful article from author Jason Pinter on social networking & the authorial mystique # RT @victoriastrauss: American Library Assn urges Justice Dept. 2 "actively supervise" Google Book Settlement # RT @victoriastrauss: French court finds Google guilty of copyright violation, orders it to […]

Quick Updates for 2009-12-16

Video: The The Impotence of Proofreading. # RT @innaj: And in summary: Writers, responding to negative reviews will never End Well. So just Don't Do It. # @CherylMorgan Thank you. in reply to CherylMorgan # RT @Ginger_Clark: Authors, if you emailed me a query before 11:59 pm on 12/8/09, and you have not […]

Quick Updates for 2009-12-13

Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, Greg Mellor. His story "Defence of the Realm" is an Aurealis finalist. # @categardner Bear in mind that the bylaws are only a draft &we are actively seeking member comment.Why do you think your chances are lower? in reply to categardner #

Quick Updates for 2009-12-13

Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, Greg Mellor. His story "Defence of the Realm" is an Aurealis finalist. # @categardner Bear in mind that the bylaws are only a draft &we are actively seeking member comment.Why do you think your chances are lower? in reply to categardner #

Quick Updates for 2009-12-13

Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, Greg Mellor. His story "Defence of the Realm" is an Aurealis finalist. # @categardner Bear in mind that the bylaws are only a draft &we are actively seeking member comment.Why do you think your chances are lower? in reply to categardner #

Quick Updates for 2009-12-13

Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, Greg Mellor. His story "Defence of the Realm" is an Aurealis finalist. # @categardner Bear in mind that the bylaws are only a draft &we are actively seeking member comment.Why do you think your chances are lower? in reply to categardner #

Quick Updates for 2009-12-10

Hey there, SFWA members, I will admit to being under the gun on a deadline. If you have any news today, shoot me a DM so I can RT for you. # SFWA member @YasmineGalenorn hosts a month long pre-release party for the release of Bone Magic, her 7th Otherworld book. # Congratulations to […]