Archive for the ‘Excluded Categories’ Category

Quick Updates for 2010-01-28

Join the fun as @sfsignal asks who the next SFWA Grand Master should be as part of their latest Mind Meld. # Remeber, tomorrow is the last day to make a decision about the Google Book Settlement. Http:// # @StaciaKane @LAGilman I've been on a plane all day. What did I miss about RWA? […]

Quick Updates for 2010-01-26

RT @MaryRobinette: I’m running for Vice President of SFWA. Read my platform, here: # RT @scalzi: Hey, kids! Look who's running for President of SFWA! # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member, Gail Dayton author of "New Blood" from Tor. # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member, Dan Wells (@johncleaver), author of […]

Quick Updates for 2010-01-24

RT @theskypirate: SFWA GRAND MASTER ROBERT SILVERBERG TALKS PULPS – # SFWA member @jchutchins is speaking and signing at Miami indie store Books & Books tonight. # SFWA member @naominovik is offering a Tuckerization for the Help Haiti Heal webcast auction happening today. #

Quick Updates for 2010-01-23

@lizargall Let me know if you have any questions about the discussion panel. in reply to lizargall # Author Solutions CEO addresses RWA, MWA, SFWA in video. Wants to Discuss Choice and "Opportunity" # Mr. Weiss's statement would start stronger if he got our name right. SFWA = Science fiction and Fantasy Writers of […]

Quick Updates for 2010-01-22

Registration is now open for SFWA’s online Google Book Settlement panel. The panel begins at 11EST. # RT @OBAlliance: Has GBS 2.0 Remedied Department of Justice Objections? #gbs #digitization # RT @doctorow: Happy tenth birthday, @boingboing! # SFWA’s online Google Book Settlement panel has begun. # @tamarasheehan Let us know we […]

Quick Updates for 2010-01-21

NYC area folks, don't forget that there's a Google Settlement Workshop in midtown at 2:00 Pass the word. # RT @lketchersid: Amazon changing Kindle royalties? <about time!> # @kmdi They are videoing the workshop. I'll let you know when it's been posted. Tomorrow, we have an online version. in reply to kmdi […]

Quick Updates for 2010-01-20

Help Haiti animals & SFWA member @jesswynne will send you a signed copy of her novel The Z Radiant: # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member, Rick Boatwright, with 3 sales to Grantsville Gazette. # Strange Horizons starts new fiction-department blog to give writers updates about magazine status questions. #

Quick Updates for 2010-01-19

Congratulations to @CatValente. The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland won the CultureGeek award for Best Web Fiction. # If you have a topic or question that you particularly want covered at the Online Panel ask it by the 20th using #sfwaGBS #