Archive for the ‘Excluded Categories’ Category

Quick Updates for 2010-03-07

Congratulations to SFWA member @carrieryan whose THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH is on the NYT's list! # @carrieryan Congratulations! Enjoy your new first name "New York Time Best-selling author…" in reply to carrieryan # SFWA member Laura Bickle mentions Free Workshop for Writers: Before Copy Editing # SFWA member Nancy Fulda has […]

Quick Updates for 2010-03-06

Here's a tool which might be useful for promoting readings. Posts a map, plus allows followers to RSVP. # We added Norton nominee "Eyes Like Stars" by @lisamantchev to the fiction for SFWAn consideration. # Welcome to SFWA's newest Affiliate member, Leonell Strong III. # RT @victoriastrauss: Learn about the history of the […]

Quick Updates for 2010-03-04

SFWA member @daviddlevine is speaking Wed. at Ignite Portland: Bagdad Theatre 7pm. It's a cross between TED & speed-dating! Free! # In a Mind Meld, @sfsignal asks some Nebula nominees what additional works they wish had made the ballot. # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member @gordsellar. Read one of his qualifying stories @clarkesworld […]

Quick Updates for 2010-03-02

The Nebula final ballot is now open to Active SFWAns. # New issue of Apex Magazine is a single author issue with fiction by SFWA member @maryrobinette # Norton nominee @malindalo talks about "On Asianness (or the lack thereof) in ASH" Very worth reading. # SFWA member @LAGilman has a contest to […]

Quick Updates for 2010-02-25

Added "Finch" to the members-only area. We now have all the Nebula nominate novels available for consideration. # RT @LAGilman: Aiming not at readers, but pirates-for-profit: Publishers win legal block over file-sharer # Happy release day, to SFWA member @dianarowland for "Blood of the Demon" #

Quick Updates for 2010-02-24

RT @cindypon: just got the latest @sfwa magazine and article by @nancyholder featuring me and @eugeneson among other ucsd alumni # RT @SFXMagazine Walter Koenig's son Andrew is missing in Vancouver. Full details of the appeal to find him # RT @jayewells: Great article in the Huff Post about the new world for authors: […]

Quick Updates for 2010-02-23

Nice coverage of China Miéville's and @cmpriest's reactions to their Nebula nominations, in the Guardian. # Congratulations to SFWA member @YasmineGalenorn. Nominated for a '09 PEARL in Urban Fantasy for Demon Mistress! # SFWA member @joannemerriam's Alzheimer's/vampire story went live at Strange Horizons today: # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Michele […]