Quick Updates for 2010-04-08
Member News for Jennifer Brozek, Cherie Priest, and Vctoria Janssen!
Member News for Jennifer Brozek, Cherie Priest, and Vctoria Janssen!
SFWA member @jenniferbrozek releases her anthology "Close Encounters of the Urban Kind" – http://is.gd/bhnE3 # RT @nkjemisin: NYCers (specifically Brooklynites) – the library's in trouble! Sign the petition to help! http://is.gd/bhv3I # SFWA member, Nebula & Hugo nominee @cmpriest is talkin' steampunk over at ReaderGirlz – http://tinyurl.com/ykbs8g3 # RT @phoebekitanidis: Agent Nathan Bransford on The […]
Remember: Nebula Weekend registration rates go up on April 7th. http://is.gd/bdwgf # SFWA member @Paul_Cornell will be the Guest of Honour at the 2012 Eastercon. # RT @TheHugoAwards: Campbell nominees for Best New Writer: Saladin Ahmed, Gail Carriger, Felix Gilman, Seanan McGuire, Lezli Robyn # RT @TheHugoAwards: Complete Hugo nominees listing available at http://is.gd/bezod #
Member News for Tom Crosshill, Felicity Shoulders, and Scott Oden!
Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member, @tcrosshill. Tom is a WotF winner. http://www.tomcrosshill.com/ # Congratulations to SFWA member @faerye who upgraded to Active member with a sale to Asimov's! #
SFWA rolls out website revision, restoring the original version to preserve institutional memory. http://www.sfwa.org/ #
Happy release day to @jay_lake and his new novel, PINION. # Happy release day to @jayewells and THE MAGE IN BLACK. # Without everyone voting, the possibility of ties increases (even 3-way ties). Every vote matters. Nebula Ballot: http://3.ly/hqwQ # Happy release day to @kenyonsherrilyn and Bad Moon Rising. Wisit http://is.gd/b7cKe for an excerpt. # […]
Nebula nominee & former SFWA Secretary Michael A. Burstein is running for re-election for Brookline Library Trustee http://is.gd/b37yg # I will be away from the computer so if you have news DM me to be sure I get it and can retweet you. #
Welcome to SFWA's newest Affiliate member, Justin Bell, of Spectrum Literary Agency. # SFWA member and NYT bestselling author Carrie Vaughn talks about why she left her long-term publisher http://3.ly/X3pt #
Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Suzanne Johnson author of Royal Street from @torbooks http://www.suzanne-johnson.com # Welcome to SFWA's newest Affiliate member Julie Washington of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. # Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member Costi Gurgu with a sale to the anthology Ages of Wonder from DAW #