Archive for the ‘Excluded Categories’ Category

Quick Updates for 2010-06-04

The book trailer for MOONSHINE by SFWA member Alaya Johnson. # Patented DNA Anthology (Pill Hill Press) will include SFWA member @G2L's story "Time Enough for a Reuben". # Nebula winner THE WINDUP GIRL author @paolobacigalupi's talk to Google Authors is on YouTube: (via @johnjosephadams) # Congratulations to SFWA member @catvalente whose novel […]

Quick Updates for 2010-05-27

Good post from SFWA member @nkjemisin about the African American Interest section and its effect on readers & careers. # World Literature Today’s May/June issue celebrates science fiction, with exclusive content on the companion website: # Join SA native Neal Barrett Jr. in Austin Sunday to celebrate his SFWA Author Emeritus award. […]

Quick Updates for 2010-05-26

@marksiegal With one or two obvious exceptions, all the people we are following are our members. in reply to marksiegal # Attn: SFWA members in the Glendale, AZ area. School there in need of speakers for teen writing conference. Contact @rdaviswriter for info. #

Quick Updates for 2010-05-24

SFWA Secretary @MaryRobinette will be "at" today at 8pm EDT to answer questions about SFWA. # Got SFWA questions? Current VP Michael Capobianco + incoming officers @scalzi & @MaryRobinette will be at at 8 EDT. #