Archive for the ‘Excluded Categories’ Category

Quick Updates for 2010-06-16

@bethrevis It's to make sure markets aren't slipping out of pro-practices. in reply to bethrevis # @bethrevis Also, $$ is a quantifiable thing. Quality of writing is not. So, the $$ amount allows us to confirm that it's a pro sale. in reply to bethrevis # @bethrevis Also, welcome to SFWA! # Welcome to SFWA's […]

Quick Updates for 2010-06-15

Cat Sparks is running a raffle to try to bring Hugo-nominee Peter Watts to Australia for the Hugos. # RT @matociquala: 2 weeks to the application deadline for writer's workshop Viable Paradise, on scenic Martha's Vineyard! # RT @io9 – io9 Book Club: One week reminder. – (SFWA member @cmpriest's BONESHAKER = […]

Quick Updates for 2010-06-14

"Snowman's Chance in Hell," a podcast by SFWA member @TheFictioneer is now available on The Drabblecast at # SFWA member Lou Antonelli has TV interview about SF in East Texas during book signing 6/12 Prospero's in Marshall: #

Quick Updates for 2010-06-12

SFWA member Lou Antonelli will do a book signing for his Texas-themed collection "Fantastic Texas" 6/12 Prospero's in Marshall, TX 12-4 pm # Limited Time FREE Download – Dreams of the Compass Rose by SFWA member Vera Nazarian – # SFWA member Jennifer Brozek is hosting the last scheduled reading of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF […]

Quick Updates for 2010-06-11

Nebula and Hugo nominated story "Non-Zero Probabilities" by SFWA member @nkjemisin is live at Escape Pod. # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Jenn Bennett, author of RUN DEVIL RUN from Simon & Schuster. # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Marianne de Pierres, author of Nylon Angel from Roc. # Welcome […]

Quick Updates for 2010-06-08

From Magellan Media's @brianoleary there's an interesting letter about digital piracy to Scott Turow of the Authors Guild. # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Julia Karr, author of XVI from Penguin. # SFWA member @EricJamesStone: will be doing a book signing for Year's Best SF 15 in Eagle Mountain, UT June 12. […]