Quick Updates for 2011-01-07
@listener42 Congratulations! # @listener42 Actually, we just need proof of the sale. The contract would work for that. In other words, you could apply today if you wanted. #
@listener42 Congratulations! # @listener42 Actually, we just need proof of the sale. The contract would work for that. In other words, you could apply today if you wanted. #
Happy release day to SFWA member @stephaniehdray's historical fantasy LILY OF THE NILE: A NOVEL OF CLEOPATRA'S DAUGHTER http://bit.ly/eOMoyX # Welcome to SFWA's newest Affliate member Lia Keyes (@liakeyes) Co-editor, Flying Pen Press. # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member @Mari_Ness. Read one of her qualifying stories @fantasymagazine http://is.gd/k6Inn # SFWA qualifying market @strangehorizons has […]
Angry Robot will be accepting unagented manuscripts for the month of March, 2011. http://is.gd/jnBbB #
Hugo Award Winner and SFWA member Will McIntosh On the Future of Spec Fic/Historical Mashups & Other Things http://bit.ly/e4gh3r # SFWA member @joannemerriam was just published at Every Day Poets. http://is.gd/jlfPV #
Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member @KameronHurley. Read one of her qualifying stories. http://is.gd/jb0iu # Welcome to SFWA's newest Affiliate member Jennifer Jackson (@arcaedia) of Donald Maass Literary Agency. http://www.jenniferjackson.org/ # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Michael Sullivan (@author_sullivan) author of Riyria Revelations (Orbit, 2011) http://is.gd/jbNZk #
Congratulations to SFWA member Scott Dalrymple who upgraded to Active status with sales to F&SF and RoF. #
Book View Cafe presents SFWA member @vondanmcintyre's STARFARERS ebook for free in several different ebook formats. http://is.gd/j1mQp #
SFWA member @MFJ72's story "The Dragon's Lesson" is up at Kasma Science Fiction http://bit.ly/gbCmp1 # SFWA member @daviddlevine's story "Written on the Wind" (from sff.net anthology Beyond the Last Star) will be podcast on Escape Pod. # @SFDiplomat @ian_sales What do you mean that SFWA doesn't recognise critics? Critics can definitely be members. # The […]
SFWA member @jenniferbrozek has a new 'Dice & Deadlines' column out about multi-authored projects – http://bit.ly/i4QaXg #
After talks with publisher, SFWA has placed Dorchester Publishing on probation from 12/10/10 – 12/10/11. Details: http://is.gd/iGIrv # Welcome to SFWA's newest associate member Sigrid Ellis (@sigridellis) Read her qualifying story "No Return Address." http://is.gd/iGZcX # SFWA member Tony Pi's story "The Gold Silkworm", is up at Fantasy Magazine. http://is.gd/iHcaj # @kirabug Science Fiction and […]